
"Local leadership in sustainable energy"

Covenant capaCITY and four cooperating projects announce this free presentation event in Brussels.

Date: 27. June 2013

Section: Technology and Knowledge

from 09:00 to 13:00

Committee of the Regions (room JDE 70), Brussels

Five projects (CONURBANT, leap, CASCADE  eReNet and Covenant capaCITY), financed under the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, will present good practices and practical guidance on designing and executing sustainable energy action plans (SEAPs), including tools such as the Covenant capaCITY Online Training Platform. New opportunities for funding will also be examined.

This FREE event will also bring to light the various support mechanisms available to cities to aid with their SEAP implementation and monitoring, and look at ways to overcome barriers. It is hoped that the workshop will increase the number of signatories to the Covenant of Mayors, helping cities to reach the proposed EU 2020 goals.

For more information and to register click here, or contact

Type: Event organised by other institutions

Organizer: Covenant capaCITY,

Location: Brüssel


Tags: energy, smart city, social innovation