"Social Innovation 2015: Pathways to Social Change": registration open!
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Date: 18. - 19. November 2015
“Pathways to Social Change” is going to be the key event on social innovation in the year 2015. It is planned and designed by mutually complementary research projects on social innovation that reach out to world-wide experiences and concepts of social innovation. The conference will connect researchers with policy makers and practitioners of social innovation.
Presentations of interim research results, deliberations and exhibits primarily focus on:
- The state-of-the-art of conceptualizing and doing social innovation
- Methods and good practices to create desirable social change
- Resources, means and levers making social innovation processes effective
- International comparison of social innovation practices, policies and research
The conference is hosted by two projects under the EU 7th Framework Programme (Call topic “Social innovation – empowering people, changing societies”):
- Social Innovation – Driving Force of Social Change (SI-DRIVE), www.si-drive.eu
- Transformative Social innovation Theory (TRANSIT), www.transitsocialinnovation.eu
and Net4Society, a network of National Contact Points in Horizon 2020, www.net4society.eu
They are joined by two collaborative partners:
- Creating Economic Space for Social Innovation (CRESSI), www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/ideas-impact/cressi
- Boosting the Impact of Social Innovation in Europe through Economic Underpinnings (SIMPACT), www.simpact-project.eu
For enquiries in advance please contact as communication node of the local organisers:
Berenike Ecker, ecker@zsi.at (SI-DRIVE) or Pamela Bartar, bartar@zsi.at
Photo credit: “Fuller projection rotated” by Eric Gaba, Wikimedia Commons user Sting. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons.
Type: Event organised by ZSI
Organizer: ZSI
Location: Vienna
Contact: ecker@zsi.at
Website: http://www.si-drive.eu
Involved ZSI Employees:
- Magª. Berenike Ecker, M.E.S. MSc (organisator)
- Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Josef Hochgerner (external Senior Advisor) (lecturer)
- DI Dr. Anette Scoppetta (lecturer, organisator)
- Magª. Pamela Bartar, MAS (organisator)
- DP 34: Empowerment for Vulnerable People through 'Digital Social Innovation'
- DP 35: 'Goethehof'. A Guided Tour to a Landmark of Social Innovation of the Red Vienna Period
- DP 36: Spatial Patterns of Transformative Social Innovation. The example of alternative initiatives in Ardèche, France
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