
ZSI represents Danube-INCO.NET at the 4th Danube Financing Dialogue

Meeting financing institutions as well as project promotors in Zagreb

Date: 23. - 24. April 2015

Section: Research Policy & Development

On 23rd and 24th April 2015 in Zagreb the 4th Danube Financing Dialogue will be held. Danube-INCO.NET will also be attending with a stand and a presentation. There are still some places left for participating.


After the successful series of Danube Financing Dialogues at the National Banks of Austria, Serbia and Rumania, the forth event takes place at the  premises of the Croatian State Archives on 23rd and 24th April 2015.

ZSI is present with the project Danube-INCO.NET - having both a stand at the venue and a presentation (together with the project partner FFG).

Participants have the unique opportunity to discuss vital issues related to financing projects in the Danube Region and to discuss about project development with other project promoters.W

Who attends?

  • Representatives of financial institutions and funding agencies offering, and guarantees
  • Project promotors from the Danube Region
  • Public actors involved in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)

Match-making opportunities

For more information please visit the official event website.

For more information about DFD please follow this link.


On the first day 20 projects, selected out of 50 applications, were given the opportunity to present their idea as well as uniqueness and relevance towards the Danube Region. On the second day several presentations were given to illustrate the different financing instruments available, such as those by the EBDR, EIB, and the EIB while the EUSDR was illustrated by its coordinator, at EC, Mr Marco Onida.
Danube-INCO.NET representatives participated in the event to present the EUREKA Danube Region Multilateral Call 2015, to promote its information platform and to provide general information on the services offered and the opportunities available for DR research stakeholders. Danube-INCO.NET objective is to create a community sharing information; thus all participants were invited to contribute to the knowledge exchange and to exploit the Danube-INCO.NET channels for doing it. Match-making opportunities were offered on both days and participants could schedule face-to-face meetings with the partner of interest. On second day small group discussions on project financing issues were also organised.

Find more information on the event and details of presentations below:

Follow-up report

Follow up report_4th DFD in Zagreb.pdf

Final Agenda

Final Agenda_4th DFD.pdf


1_Onida_EUSDR for Danube Region.pdf

2_Marusic_EBRD in Croatia.pdf


4_Belovari_Challenges and opportunities.pdf

5_Csany_From Project Idea…to Implementation.pdf

Posters of Project Exhibition


1_Danube Peace Boat.pdf


3_Navtrans Phare.pdf

4_Down to Earth.pdf

5_ESRA Termekalap Magyar.pdf

6_GWP CEE.pdf

7_OUS Education.pdf


9_Network ESEE.pdf

10_Monitoring system.pdf

11_Regional governor.pdf

12_Regulate bed of the river Cehotina in Pljevlja.pdf

13_Academ Link.pdf

14_DSTF Sturgeon 2020.pdf

15_Travelling Danube Film Festival.pdf

16_Interest EuroNorms.pdf


18_Accumulator plants in Brassicaceae.pdf

19_Building Schwabenhaus.pdf

20_Safe guarding cultural heritage.pdf



Type: Event organised by other institutions

Organizer: METIS

Location: Croatian State Archives, Zagreb, Croatia

Contact: Organiser Contact: Marlene Hahn,


Involved ZSI Employees:

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Tags: Danube Region

INCO project news