Danube-INCO.NET Stakeholder workshop: Enhancing synergies in research and innovation programmes in the Danube Region
Date: 8. June 2015
Section: Research Policy & Development
The event aims to provide a forum for selected stakeholders to promote the extension of existing initiatives, support the identification and the roadmap to the implementation of synergies (primarily synergies between RI & higher educational programmes and other activities supporting researchers & innovators in the Danube Region with those specifically active in and for the Western Balkans), enhance strategic decisions and collect further information for the update of the report. A further objective of the meeting will be to disseminate the results of the Mapping of relevant stakeholders describing activities, positions, and good practices including recommendations for synergies carried out by the Danube-INCO.NET consortium and to inform about other key project results.
The Western Balkan Countries Steering Platform (WBC SP) meeting planned to be held on 8-9 June 2015 gathering key representatives of national ministries and other governmental bodies responsible for higher education and research from the region. Therefore, it is an excellent opportunity to organize back-to-back a stakeholder event to discuss and disseminate the results of the Mapping of relevant stakeholders report. In addition to the Steering Platform members, the attendance of ca. 15 representatives is foreseen, mainly programme owners and funding bodies relating to R&I and education acting either at national, regional or transnational levels.
As it is envisaged to focus on the synergies between the specific geographic foci and the overlaps between the Danube Region and the Western Balkans R&I stakeholders and activities (as well as some other geographic areas), Regional Cooperation Council, WISE and other WBC stakeholders will specifically be invited to discuss their input and synergies to the EUSDR foci.
Furthermore, taking into account the particular recommendations of D2.9, the expansion of joint programmes (joint degree, mobility programmes, summer schools, etc.) as well as a strengthened dialogue along the triple helix of academia – industry – government is expected to be in the centre of the discussions.
If you would like to attend the event, please get in touch with the organisers. The event is upon invitation only, but you are very welcome to express your interest to receive an invitation. Please send the filled registration form (see in the attachments below) to Ms. Ildikó Dorogi at ildiko.dorogi@rcisd.eu and CC it to danube-inco@rcisd.eu. Registration deadline is 12 May 2015.
Type: Collaborative event (ZSI as co-organiser)
Organizer: Danube-INCO.NET
Location: Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bérc street 13-15, 1016 , Budapest, Hungary
Contact: Ms. Ildikó Dorogi: danube-inco@rcisd.eu; ildiko.dorogi@rcisd.eu Ms. Virág Zsár: virag.zsar@rcisd.eu Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development (RCISD)
Website: http://danube-inco.net/object/ ... vent/15059
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