Open Evaluation 2016
Date: 24. - 25. November 2016
Section: Research Policy & Development
The largest conference in Europe dedicated to the evaluation of policies in the field of research, technology and innovation policy will gather academics, evaluators, research managers, authorities and RTI policy makers to debate challenging developments in RTI policy and their effects on evaluation theory and practice. The conference addresses new actor settings, approaches and themes in RTI policy evaluation. Thus, the term OPEN EVALUATION signals openness towards new values, new stakeholders and beneficiaries and new approaches and themes in RTI policies and RTI evaluations.
The conference invites submissions in six focal thematic areas. Papers and posters beyond these focal areas are welcomed too.
1) Changing the role of evaluation of RTI policy to incorporate new values, RRI and new forms of science
2) New evaluation approaches in data, methods, indicators and their interpretation
3) RTI policy evaluation in the policy-making process
4) Social innovation, societal impact, societal challenges
5) Evaluation approaches for policies and programmes in social sciences and humanities (SSH)
6) Challenges and new approaches to evaluate European RTI policies and programmes
For a detailed call description, please visit our Website! The international conference – Open Evaluation 2016 – stimulates dialogue between academics and practitioners from the public and private sector, from managing authorities, agencies, policy-making, evaluators and those whose interventions are subjects of evaluation.
To enable vivid, valuable, efficient and effective exchange and learning, the conference programme will consist of
- Paper Sessions
- Panel Discussions
- Poster Session
- Key Notes
- Breakout group debates
The parallel paper sessions will allow for presentation of a maximum of three to four papers in each session. Presentations will be a maximum of 15 minutes, leaving enough time within each session for discussion. A dedicated poster presentation session will take place during the conference. In addition to academic parallel and poster sessions, the conference will include keynote speeches, policy related panel discussions and breakout group debates where colleagues from different communities will focus on pertinent challenges ahead. Representatives from leading academic journals in the field will be present.
The final programme will be composed after review of the submitted extended abstracts. Deadline for submission of extended abstracts is April 15, 2016.
Type: Collaborative event (ZSI as co-organiser)
Organizer: Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation
Location: Tech Gate Vienna, Donau-City-Straße 1, A-1220 Vienna
Contact: Stefan Philipp (
Involved ZSI Employees:
- Mag. Dr. Klaus Schuch
- DI Stefan Philipp
- Magª (FH) Isabella E. Wagner, MA
- Dr. Barbara Kieslinger
- Dr. Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez
- DI Dietmar Lampert
- Mag. Manfred Spiesberger
- MA/ MMag. Teresa de Oliveira
- Dr. Christian Voigt
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Tags: evaluation, innovation, research and innovation policy