Open science conference 2018, Back-to-Back Belgium-European Commission
Date: 21. November 2018
Section: Research Policy & Development
Open Science goes beyond open access to publication, encompassing the sharing of open research data and citizen science. It also paves the way for the development of appropriate metrics, incentives and rewards. Since Open Science solutions have to be developed in a coherent way both at national and European level, this conference combines a discussion of the Belgian Open Science policies with debates relating to a H2020 Policy Support Facility Mutual Learning Exercise on Open Science with a prominent European outlook. Special emphasis is put on researchers working in an Open Science environment, skilling, incentivising and rewarding them.
Type: Event organised by other institutions
Organizer: EU Commission; BELSPO
Location: Palace of the Academies, Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels
Website: ... DB5F261A60
Involved ZSI Employees:
- Mag. Dr. Katja Mayer (attendee, lecturer, invited)
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