
Measuring what matters: multilevel governance in European regions

Debating the use of the EU-SPI in multilevel governance settings

Date: 18. September 2019

Section: Research Policy & Development

In the frame of the EU-SPI Pilot Project, ZSI is supporting a dedicated workshop back-to-back with the 1st Social Progress Cities Summit in Umeå, Sweden. 

The EU-SPI Peer Learning Event, held on the 18th of September 2019, focuses on Multi-level governance: Sharing good practices of cooperation and challenges to improve social progress between national and regional and local levels (cities-regions, NUTS2-NUTS3, etc.).

The objective is to discuss the issues of policy steering and data collection on different levels, outlining experiences with city-region coordination to support (any specific field of) social progress; On which level is the data usually aggregated and how can policy making be influenced by indicators that are measured on NUTS-2 level.

The event is co-located with an international summit of European cities that are top-ranked on the European Social Progress Index. The EU SPI aims to measure social progress for each region as a complement to traditional measures of economic progress. Collectively this summit forms an international network of city leadership that champions the role of Social Progress in their countries.

Umeå, being one of the runner-ups to the European Capital of Innovation 2018, as well as the biggest city in the region leading the EU Social Progress Index, is delighted to host this 1st Summit for Social Progress Cities.

More information: on the Summit, on the EU-SPI peer learning event

Type: Collaborative event (ZSI as co-organiser)

Location: P5, Umea

Website: ... mea-sweden

Involved ZSI Employees:

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Tags: policy dialogue, regional development, social inclusion, social innovation, social policy

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