
Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkan Steering Platforms ...

... on Research & Innovation, Education & Training and Culture

Date: 29. September 2024 - 1. October 2024

Section: Research Policy & Development

ZSI provides logistical and organisational support as well as a booth with results from the POLICY ANSWERS project at the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms on Education and Training, Research and Innovation, and Culture. which takes place from 29 September to 1 October in Skopje.

The 'closed door' event plays a central role in stimulating, monitoring and supporting the cooperation in research, innovation, education and cultural and creative policies and programmes between the European Union Member States, the European Commission and the Western Balkans.

Fostering the stability and prosperity of the region remains a key priority for the EU. As outlined in the European Commission priorities, green transition, digital transformation and an economy that works for people are crucial for relaunching and modernising the Western Balkans, helping to create jobs and growth, addressing the long-standing challenges faced by young people in the region such as limited job prospects, and inequality. Research, innovation, education and culture are essential drivers in this process – underpinned by evidence-based policymaking. The annual Platforms’ Ministerial meetings allow identifying common priorities, discussing latest policy and reform measures, deciding on spin-off activities and follow-up measures as well as on topics for regional cooperation with EU assistance.

The event is open upon invitation only, more information is available at this page.
The materials provided from the side of the POLICY ANSWERS (a ZSI coordinated project) include:

For more information about the event, see also and on the POLICY ANSWERS project, see

Type: Collaborative event (ZSI as co-organiser)

Organizer: European Commission

Location: Skopje

Website: https://www.westernbalkans-inf ... d-culture/

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Tags: Balkan, culture, education, research and innovation policy

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