Past Events Filter
Upcoming Events
Research and Innovation / Education and Training
Foresight event taking place in Podgorica, Montenegro
ZSI participates as a new member of the ENRICH GLOBAL network
Side event to the MCAA Annual Conference, Cordoba, Spain
ZSI presents results and insights from the Climatubers project
... on Education and Training & Research and Innovation. February 2023 in Skopje
A seminar organised by the UNTRAD Presidency of the European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance
WBC-RRI.NET open dialogue and working group meeting in Podgorica
ZSI co-organises a session "New Opportunities for Adressing Societal Needs with Citizen Science"
Reflecting on 3 years of participatory research
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 422

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