Past Events Filter
Upcoming Events
An online event for Western Balkans on 27 February 10.00 CET
Ursula Holtgrewe vom ZSI präsentiert die Fallstudie „Distance Learning“.
Final WBC-RRI.NET project meeting
... for the Western Balkans
An initiative of the WBC-RRI.NET project and its working groups
ZSI organizes the fourth mutual learning event for Citizen Science Initiatives in the StepChange project
Organised by the Spanish Presidency of the European Council together with the European Commission
29 - 30 Nov 2023
Forum Citizen Science 2023
Mit Vielfalt Wissen schaffen
Sharing experiences of the BEYOND, ROSiE, VERITY, WBC-RRI.NET projects
Reconnect with or disconnect from China in the future?
Registrations and a call for contributions are now open!
Insights from the GREAT project: discussing the pilot of GREAT’s participatory approach to game-based research.
Open Dialogue and Mutual Learning of the WBC-RRI.NET project - with POLICY ANSWERS presentation
Interested in improving the gender equality plans? This event is for you!
2023 UN Science Summit event co-organised by ZSI at ACF New York
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 430

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