Past Events Filter
Upcoming Events
ZSI presents on the push for more gender equality in Horizon Europe
Addressing global challenges together: science diplomacy as a strategic approach
Präsentation des BMBWF zweier Mappings der Forschungsinfrastrukturen der Digital Humanities in Österreich
Knowledge for Change: A decade of Citizen Science (2020-2030) in support of the SDGs
A virtual peer learning event to discuss the EU-Social Progress Index in relation to issues of ageing societies
1. October 2020 - 17. Dec. 2020
Science Diplomacy: S4D4C Interactive Webinar Series
Exchange views and build your science diplomacy community with the ZSI-coordinated project
Eröffnung der Wanderausstellung "Open Up! Wie die Digitalisierung die Wissenschaft verändert"
Citizen Science: Anspruch und Bedeutung
Our project partners present SDG localising tool and links to the EU Social Progress Index
Encounters in Citizen Science
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 422

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