Past Events Filter
Upcoming Events
Presenting results of the AMIF-funded project
ZSI participates at the international event focusing on digital transformation of society and industry
New opportunities for research and innovation in the EU and the US
Austrian EU Council Presidency on the valuation of SSH in mission-oriented research
Made in Danube event for SMEs, R&D institutions and academia in Nitra, Slovakia.
PSF Mutual Learning Exercise Open Science
The event is organised in Budapest on 20th November and focuses on wood and biofuels sectors.
The Social Innovation Community celebrates achievements and looks forward to a socially innovative future for Europe
Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Conference
An event organised within the Made in Danube project to support synergies in the bioeconomy field on 2 November 2018
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 422

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