Nano microsites online
14. Dec. 2011
The FP7 funded Nanochannels project is a public experiment of democratic dialogue about nanotechnologies and their use and relevance for societies in Europe. The ultimate aim of the project is to help citizens build-up responsible views about nanotechnologies and to raise public awareness for ethical, legal, and social aspects related to concrete technological applications. Against this background, the Nanochannels project launched a press and media campaign in different European countries to provide the public with new cutting-edge knowledge about new developments, risks and benefits of nanotechnologies in vast areas of applications including medicine, electronics, biomaterials and energy production.
So far two press supplements have gone online by the English newspaper The Guardian and the Spanish newspaper El Mundo. The microsites also include monthly opinion polls on different nanotechnology applications. You are very welcomed to participate!
Nano Technology World. Take a closer look at the technology changing our lives:
Related Articles:
- Project: Nanochannels
- News: Nanosciences, -technologies, Materials etc. in Latin American Countries
- Publication: NanOpinion policy recommendations booklet out now!
- Publication: Nanotechnologies. A Subject for Public Debate.
Tags: education, nanotechnology