FORSEE Call for Foresight and ICT experts
23. Jan. 2012
The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) is announcing the opening of a call for Foresight and ICT experts. As partner in the FORSEE project that is running in the South East Europe programme and co-funded by the EU, ZSI will sub-contract an expert team of three members. The team will consist of a Foresight expert (team leader), an ICT expert with a good overview of ICT policies in the SEE region, and an expert who can bridge Foresight and ICT. Interested experts are not required to apply as a team.
Please find detailed information in the PDF "FORSEE - Call for Foresight and ICT experts"
Related Articles:
- News: Rückblick: FORSEE-Workshop in Budapest
- News: FORSEE bringt internationale IKT-Interessensvertreter zusammen
Tags: foresight, scientific networks
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