Training on Research Project Management in Albania
21. Feb. 2012
The Swiss funded "Regional Research Promotion Programme" ( aimes at fostering and promoting social science research in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) throughresearch grants, methodological and thematic trainings, as well as opportunities for regional and international exchange and networking.
ZSI cooperates with the programme and provides trainers in particular for seminars related to "International Research Project Management" (see The first training was carried out in 2009 and a second 2-day event is taking place February 24-25, 2012 in Albania with Michael Förschner and Elke Dall from ZSI as trainers.
Social scientists will be informed about possibilities to apply for grants in FP7 and the upcoming Horizon 2020 as well as several other programmes. The proposal development process will be discussed as well as the tools and methods for project implementation.
In relation to the previous training, one of the trainees recently informed us:
I'm writing you because I wanted to tell you how the workshop you held within the RRPP on International Projects Management in February 2009 has helped me with developing the application for FP7 Capacities - Science in Society call last year. Your training was really good, especially because you've provided all the participants with tips on what to pay attention to while writing a project proposal, but also the examples you shared with us from your own experience.
This training has been of great help to me and last year, when the call for FP7 Capacities - Science in Society was published (of which I was informed through the site) I decided to apply to this call through my institution - the Human Rights Centre of the University of Sarajevo as the main applicant. Your training and your tips and tricks, plus RRPP contacts established through the years and a bit of my own experience have given me enough potential for developing the application. We have had pretty smooth process with the European Commission (not much has been changed in the first draft of the application after the negotiation process) and now we have signed the Grant Agreement with EC for the project entitled "Support for Establishment of National/Regional Social Sciences Data Archives (SERSCIDA)" (
We are happy to share our knowledge with the trainees and proud of this feedback.
Tags: Balkan, project management, RTDI cooperation, social sciences, Southeast Europe, training