New deadline for the on-line consultation on “GREEN PAPER CE-AGEING STRATEGY”
2. Sep. 2013
Do not miss the opportunity to consult on the core aspects of the CE-Ageing Strategy, (published as a GREEN PAPER in February 2013) and to identify possible next steps in addressing the challenges of demographic change. Please contribute to the on-line survey carried out by the CE-Ageing Platform, a project co-funded by the ERDF through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme.
On-line consultation is still open until 13rd of September 2013:
All interested parties, citizens, organisations, governmental institutions and public authorities at national, regional and local level are invited to submit their views, opinions in response to several questions included in the consultation paper on core aspects via Additional information considered as relevant and not fitting to any specific question are very much welcomed.
For more information about the consultation process, reference documents and the “consultation paper Central European Ageing Strategy”, please follow the project website.
Tags: ageing society, participation, social cohesion, social innovation