BILAT-UKR*AINA Newsletter issue IV
15. Dec. 2013
One of the tasks of BILAT-UKR*AINA project, which is coordinated by the Centre for Social innovation (ZSI), is to inform the broader RTDI community in Ukraine and EU about the RTDI cooperation possibilities. Beside other dissemination channels (i.e. project website, S&T Gate Ukraine – a news portal operated by BILAT-UKR*AINA project), the project publishes also the quarterly newsletter.
In this issue of the BILAT-UKR*AINA Newsletter (see attachments) you will find the latest news about the project activities as well as upcoming calls, events in the EU and Ukraine, relevant news about Horizon 2020 as well as the invitation for the Horizon 2020 Launch Conference in Kyiv on 16 January 2014.
Further information about the BILAT-UKRAINA project´s activities can be found here.
Related Articles:
- News: Review: BILAT-UKR*AINA 2nd Stakeholder Forum on Association to Horizon 2020
- News: Dialog für neue Chancen in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Innovation in der Ukraine
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