
Social sciences in Kosovo

24. Oct. 2014

New book published containing social scientific articles from the ESSIe project

The EU funded project "Enhancing Social Scientific Research in Kosovo and its Integration into the European Research Area" (ESSIe) published a book titled "Social Scientific Articles" containing contributions from young Kosovan researchers, who were mentored by colleagues from Austria during the ESSIe project duration:

  • Murati, V.: Socio-Economic rights as human rights: the role of international human rights treaties and mechanisms in progressive realization of these rights in Kosovo and Austria, pp. 7-79.
  • Baliqi, B.: Politics of identity and ethnic relations in Kosovo, pp. 81-103.
  • Kelmendi, K. & Baumgartner, F.: Intimate partner violence among male and female students in Kosovo, pp. 105-123.
  • Llullaku, N.: Comparison between gifted and regular pupils in Kosovo, pp. 125-144.
  • Peci, F. & Holzner, M.: Measruing the effects of trade liberalisation in Kosovo, pp. 145-163.
  • Hajrizi, B. L.: The role of creative industries on export and employment in small and medium enterprises - the case of Kosovo, pp. 165-185.

Citation: Hasnije, I; Sauer, B.; Schuch, K.,; Holtgreme, U.; Ogris, G.; and Bajrami, K. (2014): Social Scientific Articles. Pristina: Qendra per Arsim e Kosoves, ISBN 978-9951-434-20-1

Njomza Llullaku and Besart L. Hajrizi have been mentored by Klaus Schuch, ZSI, during their two weeks research stay in Vienna.


The ESSIe project

  • established a social sciences methods laboratory equipped with PCs and statistical and text analysis programmes at the Institute of Social Studies and Humanities at the University of Prstina;
  • trained research capacities of thirty-five young Kosovan social scientists from public and private sector organisation (15 days research training programme in total divided in one winter, one summer and one autumn school)
  • organised the HORIZON 2020 launch conference in Kosovo
  • provided mentorship for eleven social scientists who graduated from the ESSIe research training programme including a two week fellowship research stay in Vienna
  • organised an international scientific workshop on "social and social sciences challenges in Kosovo".


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Tags: social sciences, Southeast Europe

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