SEA-EU-NET II project with final public event in Brussels
8. May. 2017
Southeast Asia and Europe have established a strong partnership in Science & Technology (S&T) for years. The SEA-EU-NET project has been working since 2008 to expand scientific collaboration between Europe and Southeast Asia (SEA) in a more strategic and coherent manner. The project was funded in two phases (2008-2012 and 2012 to 2017 and both times under Framework Programe 7) and came to an end in April 2017.
ZSI was partner in both the SEA-EU-NET I and the SEA-EU-NET II project. Therein, ZSI's expertise was requested mainly for analytical, monitoring, assessment and communication related work.
On April 27, the project invited to a final public event aiming to give an overview on the work carried out in both projects and to stimulate the debate on "How to go further in the Science & Technology cooperation between the EU and Southeast Asia?".
Moreover, the final public project report was presented. The report "SEA-EU-NET: Jointly tackling global challenges" summarises the main activities and recommendations stemming from SEA-EU-NET I and II project, namely:
- Continuing and intensifying the bi-regional dialogue between EU and ASEAN
- Jointly tackling societal challenges in the fields of Health, Food Security and Safety as well as Water Management with relevance to both regions
- Informing the Southeast Asian research community on the Horizon 2020 programme as well as increasing the level of Southeast Asian participation in Horizon 2020
- Completing detailed analytical work on the current state of EU-SEA S&T relations and innovation potentials and developing recommendations
On behalf of ZSI, Dietmar Lampert and Philipp Brugner were participating in the final event.
Website of SEA-EU-NET project: Link
Website of the final event: Link
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