
ResInfra@DR Meeting in Prague - Start of Pilot activities

6. Dec. 2017

Danube Region meeting with research centres and research infrastructures to trigger first Pilot activities

The Pilot activities in ResInfra@DR consist of dedicated learning actions for experts and the hosts of planned and existing Reseach Infrastructures in the Danube Region. At the meeting in Prague the challenges and attitutes of research centres and research infrastructures were reflected by focusing on (1) eminent challenges of the environment and own strategies for developement; (2) the potential of a joint peer learning in the region and (3) the planning of practical arrangements.

Firstly interested participants for the Pilot learning exercise from Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovakia informed about current challenges. The presentation of previous evaluation cycles gave a valuable input for the structuring of a feasible and useful process within the planned Pilot activity i.e  information provided by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, and by Michael Kvasnicka from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports who presented the experiences from the country where several evaluation cycles were executed recently.

As an output of the meeting further cornerstones of the pilot actions were defined which will help to shape the methodology to be used in the forthcoming months. Project partners will invite research organisations and research infrastructures in the following weeks to allow participation in the pilot learning action. Moreover, also experts will be identified which are interested to join the teams established for the specific interested hosts. At least 9 Research infrastructures can participate in the process and also the support of current partnerships among RIs will be considered, most of all to ensure a broader cross macro-regional learning with practical outcomes in the varios RI domains.

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Tags: Danube Region, research infrastructures

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