Excellence-in-ReSTI Call for Applicants is open
19. Apr. 2018
Excellence in ReSTI, a project funded by the Danube Transnational Programme will set up a pilot training programme, consisting of the following five modules: EU policies, project design, project management, social innovation and innovation in the business context.
The blended pilot training programme will start as of October, 2018.
The main objective is to offer project management advice, theories and practices, methods and tools generated by and for the multicultural environment of the Danube Region with its specific regional challenges.
The project is primarily oriented towards early-stage project managers in research, social and technological innovation (ReSTI), as well as young graduates as first-time applicants to transnational and multicultural projects, within the Danube Region.
The call explicitly addresses a wide spread of applicants from the business sector, research institutions, as well as civil society organisations.
If you are yourself interested in applying or would like to spread the information about this unique opportunity, alll relevant information are available here.
For submitting the application (deadline: 31 May), please fill-out the online form here.
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