
Three events on Social-, Service- and Eco-Innovation successfully held by ZSI

28. May. 2018

The Best Practice Workshops were organised within the Made in Danube Project in Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.

The Danube macro-region provides ideal framework conditions for bio-economy due to high-quality natural resources, well-known universities and a strong industrial tissue of SMEs. However, the region is still lagging behind its possibilities and missing links between research and innovation hamper the access to required knowledge and resources. For this reason, the aim of the workshops was to generally improve the current situation in given area. The events brought together representatives of higher education institutions, clusters, SMEs and NGOs, to foster local innovation capacity through good practice examples and knowledge exchange on cross-cutting issues related to the bio-economy field such social-, services- and eco-innovation.

More in details, the workshops were designed so as to offer a 1) general presentation of the Made in Danube project (objectives and available results related to the event), 2) foster improvement of the innovation capacity by informing on opportunities for funding R&I ideas in the social, service and eco-innovation in the field of bio-economy, 3) present best practices such as transnational research projects, clusters activities, SMEs cases. The workshops eventually gave the opportunity for discussing the results of the questionnaires about framework conditions for innovation and technology transfer in the Danube Region and provided further hints for the development of the Roadmap related to the framework conditions for innovation in the Danube Region.

Find below the agendas, presentations as well as the photos from the event are available only upon request.

INCO project news