Exploring Crossroads - Quality in Collaborative Knowledge Production in Cities
22. Oct. 2018
"Sharing the Legacy" - The fifth in the Valletta 2018 Foundation's series of annual conferences, this conference encourages broad reflection on the central issues that define urban life by channelling its discussions through the basic question of “What makes a city better?”. This reflection aims to understand how cities can be shaped to better suit the needs and desires of the individuals and communities that it hosts, whether on a permanent or temporary basis.
The workshop "Exploring Crossroads – a Workshop on “Quality” in Collaborative Knowledge Production in Cities" by ZSI team member Pamela Bartar will take place on Thursday 25th October 2018 at Fort St Elmo in Valletta, Malta.
Participants of the workshop are invited to reflect "Quality Criteria for Citzen Science" - a catalogue which was released 2018 by the Austrian Platform "Österreich forscht" (www.citizen-science.at) and its working group - including the Centre for Social Innvation (ZSI) in Vienna
Further details of the workshop "Exploring Crossroads..."
The city per se has been proven as appropriate setting for new forms of collaboration for innovation or solutions to societal challenges in design, democracy and social issues. Terms – following the idea of participatory knowledge production and co-creation – such as “Citizen Science in the City” refer to a popular hunt for the new or deeper insights on site. Undoubtly, forms of knowledge and creativity exist that incorporate processes which might not be defined through an exclusively academic perspective. The workshop focuses on the idea of the empowered citizen in the city and will pick up community based quality criteria for Citizen Science projects on "Österreich forscht", an Austrian platform. The setting invites to engage with the self-referentiality of an everyday’s practitioners perspective to force academic concepts of objectivity and excellence. The workshop is open to academia and non-academic experts who are invited to discuss their approach of quality in the context of the cultural city (capital) of Valletta to validate criteria of Citizen Science projects developed by “Österreich forscht” with the starting point: Which kind of quality I am looking for in community-based knowledge production?
To learn more about the conference and to register - please click here...
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Tags: citizen science, culture, social innovation, urban development