PRO-Ethics Online Cross-Learning Workshop
22. Jun. 2020
On 8th and 9th June 2020, PRO-Ethics held the first of three cross-pilot learning workshops, with 25 participants joining in from 12 partner organisations. The workshop was successfully moved to an online format to meet the challenges posed by COVID-19. PRO-Ethics works with research and innovation funding organisations (RFOs) across Europe to test new, ethical ways to involve citizens and (non-traditional) stakeholders in innovation processes. To achieve this goal, 11 pilot cases are implemented in two phases across 8 RFOs, with three cross-learning workshops conducted over the project's 48 months runtime. The overall aim of these workshops is for RFOs to follow, reflect on, learn from, challenge, and inspire each other to advance towards the goals of their respective pilots, with this first iteration focussing specifically on exchanging ethics practices within the four phase I pilots.
Related Articles:
- News: Kick-off PRO-Ethics
- Project: Participatory Real Life Experiments in Research and Innovation Funding Organisations on Ethics
- News: PRO-Ethics launches its project website
- News: First PRO-Ethics Newsletter
- News: Im Porträt: ZSI-Forscherin Dorothea Sturn
- News: First PRO-Ethics Policy Brief
- News: Winner of the PRO-Ethics Open Call
- News: Take part in the PRO-Ethics online consultation
- News: How can IT tools support participation in a responsible way?
- News: PRO-Ethics Workshop with RFOs & research ethics and integrity experts
- News: A long way to go for citizen involvement
- News: Ethical reviews in evaluation procedures boost quality and trust
- News: Considering participation across R&I will require sufficient buy-in
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- News: How can we successfully involve citizens in R&I?
- News: What has PRO-Ethics learnt from engaging with research and innovation experts?
- News: Pilot Reflection Workshop in Brussels
- News: PRO-Ethics 3rd Cross-Learning Workshop
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- News: Participation in research funding and implementation
- News: "Connect.Collaborate.Create." Conference successfully completed!
Tags: ethics, research policy
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