This programme is led by a consortium of partners from European and African countries. The total budget of the programme is approximately € 35 Million, including € 15 Million from the EC. The LEAP-RE is structured around three Pillars: Pillar 1, the focus of this pre-announcement call, comprises the implementation of transnational proposals for research, innovation and capacity building, funded by national/regional funding agencies and by the EC; Pillar 2, is a cluster of individual Research and Innovation (R&I) and capacity building projects implemented by members of the consortium, whilst Pillar 3 focuses on programme management and the design of a long term AU – EU strategic partnership on renewable energy.
Presentation of LEAP-RE Pillar 1
Bringing together 16 African and European funding agency members of the LEAP RE consortium, this pillar is devoted to the preparation and implementation of transnational joint calls for proposals cofunded by European and African national research funding agencies, with an additional EC top up. The projects funded under the calls will focus on achieving goals of mutual benefit based on a balanced and cooperative approach.
Particular attention will be given to strengthening the impact of R&I supported activities for the well-being of society in Europe and in Africa. The total indicative call budget is € 11,2 million provided by funding organizations +€ 6 million from the EC contribution.
Each project consortium that applies for funding under Pillar 1 must consist of research teams from a minimum of four countries from the two continents, with at least 2 from European countries and at least 2 from African countries.
The funding decisions made for the first joint transnational call in 2021 will determine whether a second call will be launched in 2022.
Scope of the Call and Priority Areas for Collaboration
The range of activities recommended for collaboration under LEAP-RE, will focus on 6 identified multi-annual roadmaps. The LEAP-RE Joint Call 2021 will fund basic research, applied research, co-development of technologies and experimental development projects that are 12-36 months long. However, applicants should be aware that each funding agency participating to the Call will apply its own rules and regulations regarding eligibility and criteria (thematic, nature of project, TRL, rate of subsidy…).
#1. Mapping joint research and innovation actions for the future:
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) development – Consolidation of detailed map of R&I initiatives in Europe and Africa per technology, application etc. type with the aim to support the RE industry to prioritize and contextualize target areas of RES deployment.
Expected impact: A closer collaboration between researchers, innovators and funders of innovations through the systemic development of innovation hubs, RE are applied in different contexts.
#2. End-of-life and second-life management and environmental impact of RE components:
Map the component value chain, identification of key stakeholders & successful business models, promote replicability scenarios of operational models and standard operating procedures in concerned regions.
Expected impact: To promote environmental and ecological sustainability of renewable energy systems, to identify second life components with a benefit for African countries: lower cost; higher reliability, less environmental impact and to identify the most promising business models.
#3. Smart stand-alone systems (SAS):
Promote the development of RE-SAS demonstrator(s) considering the
diversity of potential local RE sources and the local effective environment.
Expected impact: To promote environmental and ecological sustainability of renewable energy systems, to increase the share of renewables, to give access to affordable energies to the largest number of beneficiaries and to identify the most promising business models.
#4. Smart grid (different scale) for off grid application:
Development of new tools for optimizing capacity in planning and dispatching strategies based on people’s needs with the aim to reduce the energy dependence on fossil fuel and increasing the share of RES use.
Expected impact: Improved socio-economic development of the off-grid communities, creation of jobs and improved energy access; Reduced GHGs, local pollution and deforestation.
#5. Processes and appliances for productive uses (PRODUSE):
Improvement and Promotion of wider use of PRODUSE appliances for cold chain and thermal tools and equipment’s (healthcare and agriculture – livestock, fisheries and farming).
Expected impact: Improved socio-economic development of the off-grid communities, creation of jobs and improved energy access; Reduced GHGs, local pollution and deforestation.
#6. Innovative solutions for priority domestic uses (modern energy for cooking and cold chain):
Improving, managing and maintaining solar photovoltaic systems, cooking appliances and cold chain components for clean cooking and food storage. Supporting interactions with policymaking to foster fast market uptake considering the macro socio-economic and gender impacts.
Expected impact: Reducing GHGs, local pollution, land degradation and deforestation ; Improving health and social conditions of local stakeholders as well as job creation ; Reducing the drudgery for girls and women and increase their social power and health conditions (women empowerment) ; Reducing demand for unclean sources of energy ; Strengthening food and nutrition security ; Strengthening people’s health and public healthcare.