
Final Information Session Austria: Finance4SocialChange

8. Nov. 2021

Concluding debriefing meeting for all interested and stakeholders

In view of the soon end of the Finance4SocialChange the Austrian team consisting of ASHOKA and ZSI would like to debrief kindly about the achievements and challenges of the project in a dedicated meeting.

The project Interreg project "Finance for Social Change” contributed with a number of activities to the lively and dynamic development in the sector with a focus on the Danube region. Main results are aviailable, also online resources are available (MOOCs:, last year a special call was organised that included more that 200 social business accross the Danube region.

We would like to invite you to the online event on 16 December 2021 to debrief and inform about the project progress and concluding phase, also reflecting on the upcoming challenges and recent changes in the sector.

Meeting-ID: 857 1818 6966; Kenncode: 269443
Please also consider the still open COVID survey (Full DSGV conformity)

For any inquiries please contact Helmut Gassler: 

Tags: Danube Region, impact financing, social innovation

INCO project news