News from the PATTERN Project: Consolidating Knowledge on OPEN RRI
5. Sep. 2023
In January 2023, the PATTERN project – Empowering Open and Responsible Research and Innovation – was officially kicked off in Rome, at the premises of APRE, the project's coordinator.
PATTERN's primary aim is to promote the practice of Open and Responsible Research and Innovation (Open RRI) by developing and piloting training activities for researchers at all stages of their careers.
The project is in the finalisation phase of its "Consolidation of Knowledge" stage. During this phase, it conducted a systematic mapping and a comprehensive analysis of the state-of-the-art learning opportunities for researchers in Open RRI. These efforts were integrated with mutual learning activities that identify emerging practices and barriers in Open RRI practices.
As part of its initial phase, the PATTERN project recently conducted a survey to explore the perception of and existing learning opportunities for researchers in Open RRI.
The survey provides interesting insights into the various aspects, types, modalities, and needs of researchers when it comes to Open RRI training.
You can find the survey results here!
What's next for PATTERN?
In the next phase of the project, the PATTERN Consortium will work on developing training programmes that are co-designed and fine-tuned to respond perfectly to the needs of end-users across two learning cycles.
All the training programs will be openly available on the upcoming PATTERN platform, a one-stop-shop for accessing materials and curricula related to Open RRI. Interested? Subscribe to the PATTERN newsletter here!
What is the role of ZSI in PATTERN?
ZSI’s ilse Marschalek, Maria Schrammel, and Katharina Koller are involved in several main tasks in PATTERN.
⇢ identifying and assessing the current state of the art of Open and Responsible Trainings. For this objective, organised three Mutual Learning Events with international experts and support the quality assessment of existing learning opportunities.
⇢ leading the evaluation of the PATTERN training programmes to assess learning outcomes and refine the trainings.
⇢ supporting the mapping and analysis of existing Open Science and RRI initiatives and policies as well as the development and dissemination of policy recommendations.