INHERIT launches its co-creation Social Labs
13. Jun. 2024
Several workshops have already taken place in Croatia, Türkiye, Greece, and Sweden, organised by REGEA, IBB, ELLET and UU. The purpose of these activities is to develop co-creation processes to identify the needs, issues, and challenges presented in cultural heritage buildings’ renovation plans.
Through the Social Lab workshop, the project partners brought together a diverse group of local stakeholders, including public authorities and local energy providers. The goal was to start the co-creation of renovation solutions for cultural heritage buildings. These include digital tools, services and methodologies to optimise resources use and energy consumption, as well as to make buildings more resilient and accessible. During the activity, participants also had the opportunity to discuss the possible risks and constraints, and blocking issues related to the renovation processes.
Based on the citizens feedback, experts will extract the social value of the buildings to find appropriate solutions and measure their acceptance.
"Together, we are shaping a sustainable future while preserving our invaluable heritage." - stated Agnieszka Lukaszewska, Head of R&D of Fasada, the partner who organized the Social Lab.
By the beginning of July, RPR, Bouygues and CARTIF will also kick off their Social Labs respectively in Latvia, France and Spain, too. These activities of stakeholder engagement will be carried out in all INHERIT’s demonstrators for several months.
As sustainability is at the core of the project, local Social Labs will help identify the needs and cope with complexity. Collective intelligence, enabled via collaborative research and co-creation in the Social Labs, is indeed an integral part of the activities. These are also supported by crowdsourcing initiatives and calls to action addressed to empower local communities and experts to align with INHERIT efforts.
The Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna is one of the lead partners in the INHERIT consortium and supports all co-creation processes and the work on social innovation in the context of cultural heritage with methodological support.
This approach contributes to the project’s ambition to produce ‘real world’ impact for more resilient societies. Through the Social Labs and transdisciplinary community practices, partners open the door for sustainable partnerships between users and professional experts.
Project website:
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Tags: climate resiliance, cultural heritage, energy efficiency, inclusiveness, social innovation, sustainability