News Filter
on Diagnostics and interventions in chronic non-communicable diseases

47 proposals in total were submitted by Indian-European consortia under this call. 35 of them are eligible and will now go through the evaluation and  selection process. The selections results...

S&T Policy Mix Peer Reviews Danube-INCO.NET
Kick-off of the S&T Policy Mix Peer Reviews held in Budapest on 16 July 2015

In the frame of the analytical work of the Danube-INCO.NET project, research and innovation (R&I) policy mix peer review exercises (PMPR) in two countries from the Danube Region are foreseen. The ...

Assessment und Management von nachhaltigen Innovationen

Das Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation- CASI Konsortium (bestehend aus 19 Partnerorganisationen aus 12 Ländern) lädt ExpertInnen...

ZSI_Stimmen: RRI – auf dem Weg zu einem neuen europäischen Forschungsparadigma?
Im Gespräch mit der ZSI-Expertin Katharina Handler und dem wissenschaftlichen Leiter des ZSI Klaus Schuch

Redaktion: Welche Innovationen soll das Konzept RRI gegenüber dem bisherigen Alltag von Forschung und Wissenschaft ermöglichen? Katharina Handler: Verantwortungsvolle Forschung und Innovation oder ...

Southeast Asia - Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility
The multilateral Call funds mobility in the thematic areas of Environment, Health and Food research.

The SEA-EU-NET project, in which ZSI is a project partner, has managed to bring together Southeast Asian and European research funding agencies for the first ever multilateral Call for Proposals involving...

Konferenz im ZSI-Jubiläumsjahr: »Social Innovation 2015«
Start der Online-Registrierung – internationale Konferenz vom 18.-19. November in Wien

»Social Innovation 2015: Pathways to Social Change - Research, policies and practices in European and global perspectives« richtet sich an ForscherInnen, PolitikerInnen und PraktikerInnen, die mit sozialen...

RRI Tools: The transformative power of RRI under experimentation
Press Release #2:...a chance to create better innovations and restore the link between science and society.

The European project “RRI Tools”, ZSI is one project partner, has been set up in order to empower all actors to contribute their share to a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), built with and for...

Sixth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
Learn more on the relevance of social innovations - project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the sixth edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. One ...

corporAID Magazin:
Interview mit Klaus Schuch, ZSI, über Potenziale von Forschungskooperationen mit Universitäten in Entwicklungsländern.

Forschungskooperationen mit Universitäten in Entwicklungsländern gelten als wirksames Mittel der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Auch österreichische Wissenschaftler gehen mit Interesse an solche Projekte...

SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN supports mobility and networking in nine projects

Through its Call for Research and Implementation proposals, SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN currently supports mobility options and broader networking in nine projects. The projects were selected in a peer review procedure...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2161

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