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21. May. 2013
ZSI_Voices in May
Editorial: Contributions by Martin Felix Gadjusek, Teresa Holocher-Ertl and Barbara Kieslinger

Topics like climate change as well as innovative forms of research such as citizien science projects for sustainable solutions have become change making and leading the way for our society. The growing...

Editorial: The increasing involvement of ZSI in research on climate issues

by Jo Hochgerner   '14. Österreichischer Klimatag': University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Universität für Bodenkultur), 4 th - 5th of  April 2013   The conference...

EUWIN – the European Workplace Innovation Network
Register your interest!

As part of the European Commission’s Enterprise & Industry Mission for Growth strategy, a Europe-wide learning network for workplace innovation has been launched with the specific objective of ...

Review on an event of project ALCUENET

The new European Union-Latin America & Caribbean (EU-LAC) INCO-NET project held its official Kick-off meeting in Brussels on April 17-18. ZSI is one of the 19 partner institutions of this bi-regional...

RTDI Evaluation Training Course Series

The EVAL-INNO project organises the third RTDI evaluation training course on 17-21 June 2013 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The training will gather participants from Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina...

Comparative ERAWATCH report

A comparative report on "Overview of International Science, Technology and Innovation cooperation between Member States and countries outside the EU and the development of a future monitoring mechanism...

... zum neunten Mal verliehen!

Wie jedes Jahr wurden am 1. Mai auch heuer wieder die SozialMarie Preise im Wiener RadioKulturHaus verliehen. Eine Neuerung gegenüber früher war die nun erstmalige Vollbeteiligung der Tschechischen...

22. Apr. 2013
ZSI_Voices in April
Editorial: Contributions by Maria Schwarz-Woelzl, Jana Machacova, August Gächter

The topic Ageing Society as well as trends of Migration and Remigration have become leading the way for our society.... ‘Learning in later life often sees a paradigm shift away from academic attainment...

Editorial: Interview with Berenike Ecker, Head of Work & Equal Opportunities (A&C)

‘Creating greater solidarity between able and disabled people, between the old and the young, between women and men, between regions, and between thosewho are wealthy and those who are less lucky in life...

Matching Seminar in Vienna in April

On 8th and 9th of April 2013 ZSI organised the MiStra-matching seminar in Vienna. According to their specific needs, the target cities chose good practice models to be transferred to their city. During...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2161

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