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by the "Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society”

One of the core activities of the three-year project “Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society” (short: “CE-Ageing Platform”), co-funded by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme, is the development...

Second Evaluation Training Course of EVAL-INNO Deadline: 20 March 2013

The EVAL-INNO project organises the second RTDI evaluation training course on 15-19 April 2013 in Budapest, Hungary. The training will gather participants from The Ukraine, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary...

Identifikation von erfolgreichen Ansätze zur Arbeitsmarktintegration von ältere Menschen

Das Projekt Age – Work – Balance: Ausgewogene Ansätze für eine alternde Erwerbsbevölkerung in Ballungsräumen untersuchte Maßnahmen, Programme und Projekte, die auf die Integration von älteren Menschen...

Final Conference of the EU-project AGE-WORK-BALANCE
On 20th February 2013 the final conference of AGE-WORK-BALANCE took place in Berlin in the premises of the gsub-Projektegesellschaft mbH.

We discussed with over 50 participants from 8 European Countries the significance of the relationship between the network structure (between different public and private actors on different levels...

Science Forum: Experten am Podium im NOVOMATIC FORUM in Wien

„Sozial innovative Konzepte zur Stadtentwicklung umfassen intelligente Netze, genauso wie energiesparende Gebäude und umweltfreundliche Mobilität. Entwurfsweisen des Social Design stellen ein wirksames...

We would like to draw your attention to the best project ideas that have been selected in the framework of BILAT-UKR*AINA "Best Project Idea Competition"

The competition (please see the link also below the text) was open for brilliant project ideas from Ukrainian research teams who aim to submit the proposal for the FP7 ICT Call closing in April. ...

Webinar on the Master of Arts in Social Innovation in March
Please note the date: 14th of March 2013

As we received many requests, the Danube University Krems prepared a compact webinar on the worldwide first Master of Arts in Social in Innovation. The master course is going to start  in April 2013...

ESSIe Winter School successfully implemented

Almost 40 scholars from Kosovo participated in the first of three ESSIe training weeks held at the University of Prishtina (UP). Almost half of the participants were from the UP, a few participants...

RTDI Evaluation Training Course Series

The EVAL-INNO project (Fostering Evaluation Competencies in Research, Technology and Innovation in the SEE Region) will organise the first RTDI evaluation training course on 18-22 March 2013 in Sofia, ...

Balanced approaches for an ageing workforce in metropolitan areas

Es ist uns ein großes Vergnügen Sie zu unserer Abschlusskonferenz für das Projekt “Age – Work – Balance: Balanced approaches for an ageing workforce in metropolitan areas” einzuladen. Die Konferenz...

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