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CE-Ageing Platform: Fruitful discussions at the10th Week of Regions and Cities
Review on OPEN DAYS 2012

The OPEN DAYS 2012 from 8 to 11 October 2012 were entitled “Europe's regions and cities: Making a difference”  and took place during a period of debate in the European Parliament, the Council, the...

Rückblick auf  die TEP-Innovations-Drehscheibe 2012
Partnerships as basis for innovative projects with focus on TEPs

TEP-Innovations-Drehscheiben are designed events, which were brought into life by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (BMASK) and the Territorial Employment Pacts...

Kick off: The BILAT-RUS-Advanced Project
Advancement of the Bilateral Partnership in Scientific Research and Innovation with the Russian Federation

The project -- ZSI is one of the partners --  will start with a kick-off meeting in Moscow in November 2012.  The overall strategy of the project puts the three main issues of the Capacities...

Soziale Innovation und Aging Society: Perspektiven für die EU
Donau-Universität Krems in Kooperation mit dem ZSI lädt am 15. Oktober zu einem Podium im Haus der Europäischen Union

Was soziale Innovation insbesondere mit Blick auf die alternde Gesellschaft bewirken kann und welche Perspektiven sich daraus für die Europäische Union ergeben, diskutieren Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Baumgartner...

PEER - Dare to be wise! Project

There are three new reports released. The main issues are: Motivational factors for peer learning on 50plus online social platforms Bank of tools for senior peer learning Assessing...

Aviso: EU-India Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Days
Registrierung bis 01.11.2012 möglich

"Water Related Challenges" sind das Thema der diesjährigen "EU-India Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Days", welche in Hyderabad, Indien, vom 8. bis 9. November 2012 stattfinden. Mehr als...

BILAT UKR*AINA project supports you to identify partners in Ukraine

The currently open call "Research to Innovation (R2I)" offers researchers and innovators from all scientific fields related to one of the challenges: Health, demographic change and wellbeing; Food...

PRESS RELEASE 24. Sep. 2012
Neues Masterstudium für soziale Innovation
Neues Masterstudium für soziale Innovation
Donau-Universität Krems startet in Kooperation mit dem ZSI ein einzigartiges Weiterbildungsprogramm

Krems (kpr). Mit dem „Master of Arts in Social Innovation“, der im Wintersemester 2012/13 startet, bietet die Donau-Universität Krems einen weltweit einzigartigen Lehrgang an. Das neue Weiterbildungsangebot...

Vertiefung des Bestehenden und Elemente neuer Diversifizierung

Das ZSI arbeitet in Projekten verschiedener Art  - Forschung, Bildung, Beratung, Koordination von Netzwerken - in den thematischen Bereichen Arbeit und Chancengleichheit, Forschungspolitik und...

Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, Kosovo and the Western Balkan Region

  Call for proposals for projects in Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, Kosovo and the Western Balkan Region (In the framework of the project "Higher KOS – Promoting...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2161

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