News Filter
14. Dec. 2011
Nano microsites online
Nano microsites online
News on Nanochannels: Take a closer look at the technology changing our lives!

The FP7 funded Nanochannels project is a public experiment of democratic dialogue about nanotechnologies and their use and relevance for societies in Europe. The ultimate aim of the project is to help...

ESF- Innovationaward 2011
Fünf innovative "TEP-Projekte" wurden prämiert!

Bundesminister Rudolf Hundstorfer übernahm die ehrenvolle Aufgabe erstmals den ESF-Innovationsaward  an innovative ESF-Projekte zu vergeben, die sich mit ihren Angeboten an Jugendliche und junge...

Call for a Team Leader

The INCO-NET-EECA project is supporting a S&T Policy Mix Peer Review to Kazakhstan. The international peers are experts from the S&T governance sector of different EU and Eastern European countries...

...the upcoming Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries

Every 6 months, high level political dialogue meetings are organised linking the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the Western Balkan countries. The meetings are co-chaired by the European...

Übergabe der 'Vienna Declaration' an Kommissarin Geoghegan-Quinn

Am 10. November 2011 fand in London ein Symposium mit der für Forschung und Innovation zuständigen Kommissarin Máire Geoghegan-Quinn statt. Veranstalter waren die British Academy und die ALLEA (Association...

Vienna Declaration 2011 out now!
The most relevant topics in social innovation research

Vienna Declaration: The most relevant topics in social innovation research “For most of human history, reality was nature…Then reality became technics, tools, and things made be men… Now reality...

International Partnership Conference:11-12 October 2011 Vienna, Austria

The International Partnership Conference “Partnerships: Opportunities and Challenges” was successfully held on 11-12 October 2011 in Vienna, Austria at the Schönbrunn Palace Conference Centre (Tagungszentrum...

Präsentation des OECD Berichts

Das Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumenteschutz lädt herzlich zum OECD-Review ein: “Arbeitsmarktintegration von MigrantInnen und deren Kindern” Präsentation des Länderberichts...

Future Thinking on Southeast Asia-Europe science and technology dialogue

Over the last 1,5 years, the SEA-EU-NET project ( has implemented a foresight exercise, led by ZSI, on the 2020 future of S&T cooperation between Southeast Asia and Europe. The results...

Call for contributions

The new isues of the scientific journal "Foresight, Vo. 5, No 3 (2011)" contains - among other articles - a paper on 'S&T Cooperation between the EU and Ukraine: Benefits and Barriers', authored...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2161

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