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Dr. Klaus Schuch vom ZSI hat gemeinsam mit dem Rektor der Universität Ljubljana, Prof. Dr. Stane Pejovnik, das Institut für Chemie der Universität Skopje als präsumtives Exzellenzzentrum der Republik Mazedonien evaluiert. Die Evaluierung, die im Februar 2010 abgeschlossen wurde, basierte auf dem RECORD-Benchmarking-Ansatz zur Identifizierung und Bewertung innovativer F&E-Einrichtungen sowie auf einer...
On 26 and 27 July 2010, ZSI organises in Vienna within the framework of the SOQUA-Summer school a workshop on indicators to measure the internationalisation of RTD. Among other things the following issues will be tackled: which internationalisation objectives in science and technology must be addressed by a catalogue of indicators? which indicators are most common and which are most indicative? ...
Analysis of Austrian research and innovations systems

Since a couple of days the new profile of the Austrian research system is online at Europe's most important RTD-information system "ERAWATCH". ERAWATCH provides information on the research systems of...

Die Zukunft der Paktarbeit  am 18. Mai in Wien
Rückblick auf die Infoveranstaltung zur bedarfsorientierten Mindestsicherung

Die neue bedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung (BMS) soll einen attraktiven Beitrag zur Armutsbeteiligung bieten  Vor diesem Hintergrund referierten ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft, Verwaltung, Arbeitsmarktinitiativen...

ZSI is pleased to invite you at this conference, which will take place in Rome, at the National Research Council, on the 18th of June 2010. This conference - as part of the FP7 project GEMMA - brings together all stakeholders under one roof including researchers, policy makers and civil society to discuss the challenges and benefits of mutual cooperation. The event will be in English and Italian languages...
Since six years the private foundation "Unruhe Privatstiftung" grants awards (total value 42,000 €) in ceremonies taking place always on May 1st at premises of the ORF (Austrian Radio and TV Broadcasting Corp.).This year the price has been re-named "award for social innovation", thus acknowledging and emphasising the overall acceptance of the concept of social innovation in the broad public. The winners...
Die mature@eu E-Learning-Plattform steht seit Jahresende 2009 in 16 Sprachen mit jeweils nationalspezifischen Daten zur Verfügung. Sie unterstützt PersonalistInnen auf dem Weg zu einer generationenübergreifenden Rekrutierungspolitik in der Praxis. Im Jahr 2009 wurde sie mit dem 'Keeping on Track - Best Practice Project Award' ausgezeichnet. Für die Koordination und Entwicklung zeichnet...
The Foresight study is an outcome of a dedicated workshop held in Bogor, Indonesia in May 2009. Combining two different Foresight methods, Scenario building and Backcasting, Southeast Asian and European policy makers were asked to identify drivers and shapers for future bi-regional cooperation which then were translated into long-term policy recommendations. This foresight study is authored by Alexander...

We are happy to announce the current Call for Applications on 'External Evaluation of Community of Practice on Partnership in the ESF'. In order to assess the effectiveness and relevance of 'COP...

Social innovation: Mobilising resources and people was the title of a workshop in Brussels (25.-26. March, 2010). Invited by DG Enterprise and the EU project INNO GRIPS (Global Review of Innovation Intelligence and Policy Studies) were organisations engaged with social innovations(from science, businesses, foundations on to OECD), and European Commission establishments: Bureau of European Policy Advisers...
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