News Filter
The most needed social innovations of the 21st century Panel discussion Venue: University of ViennaDr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, ViennaTime: Monday, November 30th, 6 p.m. – 8. p.m. Welcome address:Rudolf Richter, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna Moderator:Sabine Herlitschka, Director of European and International Programmes, Austrian Research Promotion...
Registration for 6th 'OECD LEED Forum' Meeting

Registration for '6th Annual OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance' meeting is now open! FROM RECESSION TO RECOVERY: Local Partnerships to Rebuild Employment 16 - 17 February...

White Paper distributed

In August 2007 the “White Paper on overlaps, gaps and opportunities in view of the extension of bilateral RTD programmes and initiatives towards multilateral approaches” and its accompanying Joint Action...

Das Projekt NANOYOU hat zum Ziel, ein umfangreiches Kommunikations- und Outreach-Programm speziell für Jugendliche zu entwickeln. Als Vorstudie führt das ZSI zurzeit eine Umfrage durch.Jugendliche im Alter von 11 bis 25 Jahren werden online befragt, was sie über Nanotechnologien wissen. Sie können ihre Meinung und ihre Einstellung gegenüber Nanotechnologien angeben und ihre Erwartungen oder Befürchtungen...
KORANET, a four-year project financed by the 7th Framework Programme on Research and Development of the EU, organises a one-day workshop on GREEN ICT in Istanbul on 20 October 2009.The event targets researchers, programme managers/owners, policy makers, clusters, companies and other interested stakeholders. At the end of the workshop a networking reception is planned together with the participants...
Fostering an increased successful participation

The training workshops are jointly organised by WINS-ICT and the ICT-WEB-PROMS projects and are free of charge. The objective is to foster an increased successful participation of the local ICT researchers...

Country fact-sheets 'forumpartnerships2009'

The country fact-sheets 'forumpartnerships2009' of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance are published and ready for download. The publication presents 35 different area-based...

Available in English and in German. Please visit regularly the project website
1. Oct. 2009
NANOYOU Umfrage online
Eine Online-Umfrage für 11-25jährige zum Thema Nanotechnologien, die im Rahmen des NANOYOU-Projektes stattfindet, ist jetzt online!Der Fragebogen ist in zwei Altersgruppen aufgeteilt und in acht Sprachen aufrufbar. Vor allem für die jüngere Gruppe ist der Fragebogen auch zum Ausfüllen im Unterricht geeignet.Untersuchungszeitraum: 1. Oktober 2009 - 31. Oktober 2009Zugang:
Event Bericht

For two weeks in August forty-one young researchers from fourteen countries from Europe and Latin America participated in the EULAKS Summer School on “the Role of the Social Sciences in the Construction...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2161

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