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Thema "Wissenschaft quo vadis?"

Sendungsschwerpunkt auf Ö1 zu Bulgarien und Rumänien (unter Mitwirkung von Felix Gajdusek, ASO-Sofia am Radiokolleg zum Thema "Wissenschaft quo vadis?" - Die bulgarische Hauptstadt Sofia - Teil 3): ...

The White Paper on 'Gaps, Overlaps, and Opportunities in View of the Extension of Bilateral RTD Programmes and Initiatives towards Multilateral Approaches' has been recently published by the Southeast European ERA-NET project (Transition Studies Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2007, Springer-Verlag). The White Paper analyses the political and structural situation of Western Balkan Countries in the field of...
On 7 November 2007, the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Sofia (ASO Sofia) office has been awarded with the 'Marin Drinov' award of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. This is the highest-ranking award which can be granted to an institution. It was justified with "the extraordinary contribution and invaluable support for researchers and research institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences...
The Centre for Social Innovation, in its capacity as host institution for the ASO (Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices) in Brno, Ljubljana, and Sofia, invites to a one-day workshop to discuss topics concerning communication and information flows in transnational research projects. Date: November 19, 2007, 9.30 a.m. - 5 p.m.Venue: "Haus der Forschung" (House of Research), Sensengasse 1, 1090...
August Gächter from the ZSI published a study on 'The Labour Market Situation of Migrant Population in Austria, Denmark and Germany' within the international EQUAL-Projekt "ETHINICTY". More info on the project: [www.diversitycare.at9
Offener Dialog zur Forschung

Johannes Hahn, Federal Minister for Science and Research, initiated a call for intensive public debate concerning directions Austrian science policies should take in the future. Via its communication ...

ICCR Foundation and EUROSCIENCE jointly organise a Symposium in one of the buildings of the Austrian Parliament.Venue: Palais Epstein, Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring 1, 1010 ViennaDate and time: Oct. 30, 2007; 2 - 6 p.m.Working language: English Information:
1. Oct. 2007
New Publications
ZSI-experts were engaged in the publication of three books, which were published within the last few months: 1) Polzer, M., Devetak, S., Toplak, L., Unger, F. and Eder, M. (eds.)(2007): Religion and European Integration. Religion as a Factor of Stability and Development in South Eastern Europe. VDG: WeimarThis book features contributions of the scientific conference „Religion and European Integration...
For the time being, the ZSI is in 6 FP7-projects in contract negotiations with the European Commission. 4 belong to the "Capacities" part of the Framework Programme and 2 to the "Cooperation" part (specifically social sciences). This is a first successful interim result of the first calls for proposals launched under FP7.
Companies are forced to adjust their recruitment policies if they want to compete in a diminishing labour market. Most organisations are ill-prepared to meet the challenges associated with older workers, and little research has addressed the questions on how to attract job applicants from diverse age groups. The report examines the specific issues that need to be addressed and the action required...
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2211

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