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Tasks Maintaining and Development of various web applications (documents and communication platforms) based on a home-grown application framework Skills needed Object oriented Perl, mod_perl, Template::Toolkit, Class::DBI, CPAN, relational databases (PostgreSQL) version control software (subversion), Linux Contact Thomas Klausner
15th – 16th December 2005, Zagreb The conference „New approaches for the European Research Area: RTD co-operation with the Western Balkan Countries“ is the first mayor public information event within SEE-ERA.NET, providing an overview on the current situation of RTD co-operation in the area with identification of “good practice”, the needs of the region and possible synergies. Conference organizer...
The Centre for Social Innovation was participating civil society entity at the “World Summit on the Information Society” (16.-18. November 2005) which closed after intense discussions and presentations in 308 parallel events and several plenary sessions. The event attracted around 19.000 participants from more than 800 entities including UN agencies, private sector companies and civil society organizations...
Zuwanderbares Österreich
PROFIL-Artikel inklusive Interview mit August Gächter (ZSI)

Ein Leitartikel der Profil-Ausgabe Nr. 45 vom 7. November 2005 mit dem Titel "Zuwanderbares Österreich" beschäftigt sich mit der umstrittenen Integrationspolitik Österreichs. Dabei wird insbesondere...

The ASOs Ljubljana and Sofia announce a Call for proposals for projects in Research Cooperation and Networking between institutions in Austria, the ASO countries Slovenia and Bulgaria and South Eastern Europe. The call wants to intensify scientific cooperation in the scientific field: “Contribution of Science to the EU-integration of South Eastern Europe - Research on the Education - Society Nexus...
Together with partners from Hungary (co-ordinator: GKI Economic Research Co.), Czech Republic, Denmark, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, UK and Austria, the ZSI participates in a new EU-FP6-Project on Regional Innovation Policy!
Reger Diskurs

Über 90 ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft & Forschung und der Praxis folgten der gemeinsamen Einladung des ZSI und des waff (siehe und trugen zu einem regen Diskurs zum aktuellen Kenntnisstand...

The Center for Social Innovation has held a symposium titled "Fit für das digitale Zeitalter!" dealing with e-learning, media competence, media literacy and e-skills.Reports and presentations can be found at Please direct any further questions to [
ZSI celebrated its 15-year anniversary on Oct. 15, 2005, in the fashionable Hall E of the Vienna Museum‘s Quarter ("MuseumsQuartier", MQ). In the framework of the Vienna Science Days (Sep. 29 - Oct. 7, 2005) ZSI helped to organize a conference on Social research meets the city. The scientific programme of the day included a panel discussion in the evening on Social innovations in the city of tomorrow...
Drei gute Gründe für Unternehmen, die Generation 45+ besser zu integrieren: 1. In naher Zukunft wird die Mehrheit der ArbeitnehmerInnen aus der Generation 45+ bestehen. Wettbewerbsfähigkeit kann langfristig nur mit leistungsfähigen und motivierten MitarbeiterInnen dieser Generation gesichert werden. 2. Da die demographische Lücke durch Jüngere nicht mehr geschlossen werden kann, hängt der Erfolg ...
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