News Filter
Citizen Science in Europe
stories from 3 years of EU-Citizen.Science

During the last three years, the EU-Citizen.Science project created a hub for Citizen Science in Europe. Watch how you can make use of it (in English with German subtitles):    &...

Results brief for the S4D4C project published by CORDIS
"Driving better science diplomacy in the face of global challenges" in 6 languages

After the end of the S4D4C project, the CORDIS editorial team interviewed the project coordinator from ZSI, Elke Dall to highlight the key results of the project. Read the full article here in German...

Der SEED-Hub Newsletter Nr. 2 steht zum Download bereit!
Aktuelle Aktivitäten zur Stärkung von Social Entrepreneurs und Sozialunternehmen in der Grenzregion SK/AT!

Lesen Sie in dieser Ausgabe einen Rückblick auf das erste SEED-Hub Social Business Forum und erfahren Sie über weitere Möglichkeiten zur Teilnahme für Social Entrepreneurs und soziale Innovator*Innen: ...

COST network on evaluation started!
PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement (PROFEEDBACK)

The Action PROFEEDBACK aims to foster the networking of the policy evaluation community at EU-level, raise awareness on the importance of evaluation policy research and improve its impact on policy-making...

Ohne Gewerkschaft kein Sozialstaat
"Die Möglichkeiten der Gewerkschaft sind von der wirtschaftlichen Situation abhängig" Irina Vana, ZSI

Interview am 7. November 2021 von Thomas Pressberger (Kurier) mit Mag.a Irina Vana (ZSI)

Concluding debriefing meeting for all interested and stakeholders

In view of the soon end of the Finance4SocialChange the Austrian team consisting of ASHOKA and ZSI would like to debrief kindly about the achievements and challenges of the project in a dedicated meeting...

Contribute to our Finance4Social Change COVID survey

  Finance4SocialCahnge has contributed in teh last 3 years to social impact investment through strategy support and practical offers to the community of finacing actors accross the entire region...

ZSI bei FFG Webinar zur Rolle von SSH in Horizon Europe
Wie wichtig ist die SSH Expertise in Horizon Europe? Welche Aufgaben fallen SSH Partnern zu?

Dieser und anderen Fragen ging das FFG Webinar nach. Das ZSI wurde eingeladen, im Webinar der FFG zur Einbindung geistes-, sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Expertise in Horizon Europe  als Testimonial...

Celebrating the new European Green Deal projects
ACCTING is the 52nd Horizon 2020 contract at ZSI and one out of 73 #GreenDeal projects starting soon

On October 28, the Commission celebrated the contract awards of the 73 projects selected for funding under the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call worth €1 billion. This last call under Horizon 2020...

Joint Transition2Bio workshop
Transition2BIO H2020 project is inviting you to participate to the Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML) Workshop

  Transition2BIO H2020 project is inviting you to participate to the Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML) Workshop ‘Toward the green transition...

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