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EU-Citizen.Science platform
The new Citizen Science portal for Europe is online!

Introducing the European citizen science platform - now live! As partners of the EU-Citizen.Science project and members of the European Citizen Science Association we are very pleased to introduce...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#4)

by Ursula Holtgrewe and Klaus Schuch The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has triggered a comprehensive real experiment in the Austrian school system as in other countries: In an unevenly digitised learning landscape...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#3)

by Klaus Schuch Biosecurity issues such as pandemic virus outbreaks have been clearly underestimated in the past in comparison to other security issues. The crisis has shown that the interplay between...

Gastkommentar in der WIENER ZEITUNG: Corona-Stresstest am Balkan
Die Krise belastet auch die Nachbarschaftspolitik der EU - zugunsten Chinas

Philipp Brugner aus der Abteilung Forschungspolitik und Entwicklung kommentiert in der WIENER ZEITUNG das Krisenmanagement der Europäischen Union im Kampf gegen das neuartige Corona-Virus und argumentiert...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#2)

by Klaus Schuch The Covid-19-quarantine forces (almost) everyone who works in the office area, or - as we do - in the knowledge-generating and knowledge-processing industries, to work from home and...

23. Mar. 2020
Social action counts!
Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#1)

by Klaus Schuch The Covid-19 crisis remarkably demonstrates that social action and cooperation counts to mitigate the risk of the virus. Worldwide, we are managing the containment of the virus by comprehensive...

Comprehensive Review on a book by ilse Marschalek

In her publication, ilse Marschalek investigated the roles that 'Public Participation Practitioners' play in the attempt to transform the relationship between science and society though the adoption of...

„It is becoming increasingly important for people to develop the right skills..."

Update: We are very sorry to inform you that we have to postpone the upcoming conference "MAKING SOCIAL INNOVATORS" in Salzburg, Austria. Please subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on...

Öffentliche Konsultation zum Entwurf der Empfehlungen der OANA Arbeitsgruppe

Die Arbeitsgruppe Open Science Strategie des Open Science Network Austria (OANA) hat Empfehlungen für eine nationale Open Science Strategie in Österreich erarbeitet und lädt ein, das Dokument bis zum...

The final report of the project was presented on January 24 and is open for comments until April 19th, 2020.

In order to be able to support the development of digital humanities in Austria in the best possible way, it is important to describe the situation from the perspective of everyday research. For a study...

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