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Find out what happened in Excellence-in-ReSTI between June–October, 2017

The Interreg Danube Transnational Project “Excellence in research, social and technological innovation” (Excellence-in-ReSTI) is well on its way. During the past period (June–October, 2017) a lot of activities...

MEDIA RESPONSE 25. Oct. 2017
Steirer des Tages: Jungbotschafter für die EU
Steirer des Tages: Jungbotschafter für die EU
Philipp Brugner ist als "Young Ambassador" in der östlichen Nachbarschaft der EU aktiv.

24. Oktober 2017, Steirer des Tages: Die Kleine Zeitung mit einem Porträt über die Tätigkeit Philipp Brugners in den Ländern der Östlichen Partnerschaft der EU.

Im Rahmen des INTERREG DANUBE Projekts SENSES führen wir eine Befragung unter sozial orientierten Unternehmen durch.

Dabei sollen bestehende unternehmerische Kompetenzen sowie der Bedarf an der Erweiterung dieser Kompetenzen und damit verbundener Fertigkeiten erhoben werden. Mit Ihrer Teilnahme an der Befragung tragen...

New promotional video for RaiSE project
The project "RaiSE" published its new promotional video for introducing its activities

RaiSE is a project funded under the Interreg Europe programme. It's aim is to enhance the competitiveness of European social enterprises by providing recommendations for improved business support policies...

EU delegation presents opportunities for collaboration at 17th ASEAN STI Meeting
Horizon 2020 and Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme presented to ASEAN STI ministries in Naypyidaw, Myanmar

A delegation of EU representatives presented the many opportunities available for increasing collaboration between Southeast Asian and European researchers at the 17th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science...

SEA-EU Joint Funding Scheme holds successful first meeting in Bangkok
First JFS Joint Call results in securing commitments to fund 10 projects

The first Joint Call of the Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) for research and innovation has succeeded in securing commitments to fund 10 projects, which will bring together research teams...

Starting the DO-IT project
The kick-off meeting of the newly released project DO-IT will be held in Amsterdam from 30-31st of October.

The main objective is to design, develop and test on large scale a novel Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Programme for children and educators based on the effective combination and child...

eCraft2Learn - first elements to view
Amoungst the Unified User Interface, different other elements are already to be used.

In the framework of the eCraft2Learn consortium meeting in Padua researchers demonstrated the first outcomes of their efforts. Amoungst the Unified User Interface, different other elements are already...

PSF Georgia STI Review Kick-off
Specific Support to Georgia under the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility

ZSI experts Manfred Spiesberger (rapporteur) and Klaus Schuch (main author of the background report) are involved in a strategic activity of the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF). The objective...

EaP Plus High-Level Seminar on Research and Innovation Policy
Part 1 of the seminar series was successfully held in Vienna.

19 participants from the Eastern Partnership Countries gathered in Vienna for a High-Level Seminar on Research and Innovation Policy. The seminar was organised in the frame of the “EaP Plus” project which...

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