News Filter
New Call for the Josef-Hochgerner-Fellowship 2018 launched!
ZSI invites scholars to submit a proposal on the measurement of social innovation research!

Within the framework of the Austrian EU Council Presidency, the successor programme of HORIZON 2020 will be negotiated. In all likelihood, the emphasis on "impact" will be an even more important part ...

Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region

The third newsletter by the Made in Danube Project was recently released. In this issue, the project team highlights the following next Technologie Transfer Trainings: Budapest, Hungary, 16 Nov.&...

RI-LINKS2UA Summer School for Young Researchers in Odessa
From September 25-28 more than 25 young reseachers from Ukraine participated in a summer school on Horizon 2020 and RRI

The first summer school organised as part of the RI-LINKS2UA "Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine" project took place in Odessa/Ukraine last week. As key aspects for delivering...

The book brings together leading research focusing on the conditions for formation of common political order in EU

A new volume "The Rise of Common Political Order. Institutions, Public Administration and Transnational Space" acknowledges the crucial role of ZSI within the EU macro-regional strategy for the Danube...

15th eNewsletter of SI-Drive
Learn more on the relevance of social innovations - project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the fifteenth edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. ...

Das ZSI diskutiert Soziale Innovation als Managementansatz im CSR-Circle

Wirtschaft geht auch anders – wenn auch nicht einfacher. Das zeigten die Gäste des CSR-Circle – Andreas Ahamer von TELE Haase, Silvia Lydia Jölli von heidenspass, Hannah Lux, Vollpension Generationencafé...

ResInfra@DR started high-level discussion with two Dialogue Workshops
First meetings to support mutual learning for improved Research Infrastructure in the Danube macro-region

ResInfra@DR partners and key experts from all Danube Region countries contributed to the first two Dialogue Workshops held in Budapest and Sofia. These events are part of a series of in total five dialogue...

Survey on framework conditions for innovation in Austria and the Danube Region
Your input will help define opportunities and needs for cooperation and knowledge transfer in Austria and Danube Region!

Made in Danube is a new Interreg Project that tackles bio-economy and intends to support companies to increase their own competitiveness through new collaborative projects while improving also the internationalisation...

Ausschreibung für transnationale F&E-Projekte mit Russland
Einreichfrist für ERA.Net RUS Plus Innovationsprojekte verlängert bis 10.10.2017

Das erfolgreiche europäische Netzwerk ERA.Net RUS Plus öffnete am 20.07.2017 eine weitere Ausschreibung für transnationale F&E-Projekte mit Russland. An der aktuellen Ausschreibung beteiligen sich...

Qualitätskriterien der Plattform
Nach 6 Monaten gemeinsamer Arbeit steht eine erste Version zur öffentlichen Diskussion bereit.

Die ersten Früchte der Arbeitsgruppe für Qualitätskriterien der Plattform "Österreich forscht" sind ab sofort sichtbar: Im März 2017 wurde die Arbeitsgruppe “Qualitätskriterien für Citizen Science” gegründet...

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