News Filter
Start of the ReConnect China school visits in September
Increasing the engagement with European youth

During the first review meeting of the ReConnect China project in January 2024 in Brussels, the project consortium was recommended to intensify its engagement with youth as one of the project’s key target...

Citizen Science workshops as part of the STECCI project

STECCI (STone monument Ensambles and the Climate Change Impact) project aim is to produce innovative and sustainable protection strategies for cultural heritage from the climate change  and consequential...

70 years celebration of Austrian Cooperative Research (ACR)
ZSI is honored in the anniversary brochure

ZSI is a proud member of the Austrian Cooperative Research (ACR) network. It joint the network with full duties and rights this year and is highligted in the anniversary brochure published on the occassion...

2. Jul. 2024
FOODITY Photo Book
FOODITY Photo Book
FOODITY Photo Voice Workshop - die Fotodokumentation von allen drei Workshops ist fertig.

Im Rahmen des FOODITY Projekts haben wir drei Photovoice Workshops veranstaltet, bei denen Bürger:innen in einer interaktiven Veranstaltungsreihe ihre Bedenken, Meinungen, und Gedanken zum Thema Datensicherheit...

MEDIA RESPONSE 23. Jun. 2024
Innovation - Sonderbeilage im PROFIL
Innovation - Sonderbeilage im PROFIL
Interview mit Barbara Glinsner und Klaus Schuch vom ZSI

"Wer Neues will, muss aufhöre, Altes zu tun" - mit diesem Zitat beginnen Daniela Schuster und Alexander Lisetz ihr Editorial zur Sonderbeilage "INNOVATION" im Profil und enden mit einem Absatz, der über...

From science diplomacy to research security: Preparing COST actions
Days of intensive training in Brussels

Recently the European Science Diplomacy Alliance, the COST Association and ReConnect China cooperated in the organisation of a training for principal researchers from newly funded COST actions. For a ...

Western Balkans Steering Platforms supported by ZSI-coordinated project
Senior Officials Meetings on Culture, Education and Training & Research and Innovation in Skopje in June 2024

The Western Balkans Steering Platforms (SP) on Education and Training; Research and Innovation as well as Culture held their meetings in Skopje, North Macedonia, from 3-5 June 2024. The event brought...

CoAct wins European Citizen Science Prize
Congrats to Open Systems Barcelona on their award! ZSI is proud to have been part of CoAct from its beginning!

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our consortium partners at Open Systems Barcelona for their well-deserved prize. We are incredibly proud to have been part of the transformative...

PHOTORAMA wins the European Sustainable Energy Week Innovation Award!
The Horizon 2020 project PHOTORAMA has won the 2024 edition of the European Sustainable Energy Week's Innovation Award.

PHOTORAMA wins the European Sustainable Energy Week Innovation Award! The Horizon 2020 project PHOTORAMA has won the 2024 edition of the European Sustainable Energy Week's Innovation Award. The...

INHERIT launches its co-creation Social Labs
On June 6th, 2024, the Social Lab workshop was kicked off in Gdynia, Poland.

Several workshops have already taken place in Croatia, Türkiye, Greece, and Sweden, organised by REGEA, IBB, ELLET and UU. The purpose of these activities is to develop co-creation processes to identify...

Invitation: Cross-fertilisation workshop for green youth networks
Passionate about sustainability & bioeconomy? Join us for a chance for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 Online: 15:00 – 17:00 CEST The GenB project team gladly invites you to participate at the online GenB Cross-fertilisation workshop! This is the first...

 LAUDS Exploration Open call
Call to participate to our #1 Open Call | LAUDS Exploration!

Open call Webinar 20th June 24 participate to our #1 Open Call | LAUDS Exploration! Through the Open Call, the LAUDS Factories project aims to fund and support Experiments focused on the collaboration...

Boost the visibility of your innovative water solutions with BOOST-IN!

Boost the visibility of your innovative water solutions with BOOST-IN! Do you have a groundbreaking water solution? Do you know about innovative circular economy water solutions? Can you...

ZSI Input im interkulturellen Magazin des ORF
ZSI Input im interkulturellen Magazin des ORF
Stella Wolter zu der EU-Osterweiterung und Arbeitsmigrant*innen im Magazin "Heimat Fremde Heimat"

Im interkulturellen Magazin "Heimat Fremde Heimat" vom 02.06.2024 des ORF wurden kürzlich die Themen EU-Osterweiterung, vergessene 'Arbeitsmigrant*innen' und die EU als Motor für Minderheitenrechte beleuchtet...

Climate Solutions Conference:Integrating Sustainability into Existing Frameworks
GenB took part in the Climate Solutions Conference in St.Gilgen Salzburg/Austria to feature bioeconomy to young leaders

The Climate Solutions Conference, hosted by Gilgen International School on April 26th and 27th, 2024, brought together students, educators, and professionals to address the urgent issue of climate change...

GenB webinar series: 2nd installment
GenB ambassadors gain practical tools in second capacity building webinar

On May the 16th, 2024, the GenB project held its second capacity building webinar for GenB Ambassadors. This instalment, part of an ongoing series aimed at equipping these young advocates with the skills...

Wie viel Forschung kommt in die Praxis?
Wie viel Forschung kommt in die Praxis?
Eine Reflexion des Schweizer Nationfonds (SNF) über die Ergebnisse einer Studie des ZSI

Das ZSI hat im Jahr 2022 eine Studie für den SNF durchgeführt, um herauszufinden, wie viel soziale Innovation in SNF-geförderten Projekten steckt. Die interessanten und zum Teil auch überraschenden Ergebnisse...

Advising the European Commission on future trends
Shaping Europe's future

Led by AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology), the Foresight-on-Demand (FOD) consortium, which also includes ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation, is advising the European Commission and fourteen other ...

31. May. 2024
RurALL Kick-Off Meeting
RurALL Kick-Off Meeting
The first in person meeting of the project RurALL took place in Beltinci

From 27th to 29th of May the RurALL consortium met in Beltinci for the first live event. We spent three days getting to finally know each other in person, debate about common issues, and brainstorm...

4 June 2024 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm CET

Based on insights developed in ACCTING research activities and experience from related projects and initiatives, this webinar will explore the vital role of local communities and indigenous knowledge ...

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