News Filter
What is Critical Making?
... a new project to study responsible practices in maker spaces.

In January 2021 we kicked-off a new research project, which is concerned witht RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) practices in maker communities.  In this project, which is coordinated ...

"Second-chance business re-structuring initiative" is the pilot action of DanubeChance 2.0 project.

It was launched in fall 2020 in Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Hungary and will deliver a practical second-chance acceleration and business plan re-make...

How would the integration of an ethical review impact the evaluation of funding programmes?

A new report on the Eurostars funding programme shows that including an ethical review in the evaluation process improves the project quality and makes decision-makers more confident in putting money ...

Im Porträt: ZSI-Forscherin Elke Dall
Internationale Forschungskooperation: strategische Projekte, Programme und Kommunikation

Seit mehr als 15 Jahren beschäftigt sich Elke Dall mit internationaler Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik. Dabei lagen bisherige Schwerpunkte auf der Ausweitung des Europäischen Forschungsraumes in Südosteuropa...

A European platform will pave the way forward towards a closer collaboration in food safety.

Safe and nutritious food is key to sustaining life and promoting good health, yet the current EU food safety system falters when a need to quickly adapt to a continuously evolving food chain arises. The...

Workshop at the Citizen Science Association Conference

The workshop starts from the observation that while Citizen Science is highly participatory, evaluation does not live up to this claim. In the workshop we will explore existing approaches to participatory...

Gesammelte Pressemeldungen zur Studie
Überblick der Pressemeldungen und medialen Stellungnahmen zur Studie Lernen im Ausnahmezustand

Das Projekt “Lernen im Ausnahmezustand“ ist der Frage nachgegangen ob die Schulschließungen Bildungsungleichheiten in Österreich vertiefen und welche Chancen für selbstorganisiertes Lernen, neue Freiräume...

Participate in a survey on science diplomacy
Deadline prolongued to share your views with the S4D4C project

The S4D4C project is soon coming to an end and wishes to collect the science diplomacy community´s input on the concept and its future. We kindly ask you to spare 10 minutes of your time and to fill...

16 citizen science projects meet for policy feedback
ZSI prominently represented

On 21 January 2021, 16 Horizon 2020 citizen science projects met to facilitate interaction and exploit synergies, as well as to collect policy feedback. The meeting had been called by the Research Executive...

Die neue Rural Social Innovation Academy startet!
The new online course on social innovation is now available on in 7 languages.

In five modules the Rural Social Innovation Academy offers pratical tools, interviews with experts and practioners as well as entertaining video lectures on social innovation and social entrepreneurship...

Call Open: Africa-EU Collaborative R&I on Renewable Energy 2021
Deadline for pre-proposals: 1 April; Deadline for full proposals: 15 Sept

The Long term Europe-Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) programme co-funded by the European Commission (EC) under Horizon 2020 aims to increase the use of renewable energy via a well-balanced...


Results from the first round of the online Delphi Of the more than 3,000 people from the so-called WB6 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia) who...

ZSI leading development of living labs in relation to AI-based STI policymaking

The IntelComp develops pilots on using the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations and includes software development and the set up of an innovative cloud platform. ZSI leads the implementation...

Neue Publikation über die Wissenschaft von „Citizen Science“ veröffentlicht
Gesellschaftlicher Mehrwert von Citizen Science mit Beiträgen vom ZSI

Am 12.01.2021 wurde das Buch „The Science of Citizen Science“ open access bei Springer veröffentlicht, zu dem über 100 Autorinnen und Autoren aus 22 Ländern beigetragen haben, darunter auch über zehn ...

Only a matter (of lack) of time?
TRESCA project blogpost: Some evidence based thoughts on science communication in Europe

The sudden outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic – to give an example that affected all our lives – was a drastic reminder of the importance of science communication. Scientists and researchers, policymakers...

Strategisch handeln: Die freie Welt braucht ein starkes Europa
Neuer Artikel in der Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Angesichts der strategischen Schwäche der USA will die Europäische Union geopolitisch wirksamer werden. Dazu sollte sie in ihrer Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik selbstbestimmter sein und thematische Allianzen...

Univ. Vienna, FFG and ZSI: most successful Austrian organisations in SC6/H2020
Austrian Science Ministry confirms success of ZSI in SC6 "Europe in a changing world" (H2020)

Today we received an eMail from the Austrian Ministry of Science, Education and Research, which makes us happy. It is written there: "With Horizon 2020 coming to an end soon, it is also possible to...

OPEN_NEXT launches online Workshops for Open Hardware

Traditionally, new products are developed by a team of designers, engineers, and other experts in a closed process. For consumers, the process is usually not accessible. However, it is becoming increasingly...

31% der Wiener ohne österreichischen Pass
Wiener Integrations- und Diversitätsmonitor 2020 mit ZSI-Unterstützung

Vielleicht haben Sie es gestern auf ORF1 gesehen und gehört? Fast ein Drittel der derzeit in Wien lebenden Menschen hat keinen österreichischen Pass. Exakt 30,8 Prozent der Bevölkerung (Stand Anfang...

MEDIA RESPONSE 16. Dec. 2020
Der Streit um mehr Geld
Der Streit um mehr Geld
Die EU13 fordern einen höheren Anteil in Horizon Europe - aber Geld ist nicht alles, meint Klaus Schuch

Im aktuellen magazin für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (DUZ) ist die Wissenschafts- und Technologiepolitik Osteuropas ein Schwerpunktthema. Unter der Rubrik "Lücken schliessen" wird dargelegt, dass die...

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total items: 2161

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