News Filter
ZSI congratulates Katja Mayer
Our colleague Katja Mayer has been awarded with the Elise Richter fellowship

ZSI congratulates Katja Mayer on her recently awarded Elise Richter fellowship (Austrian Science Fund FWF). This programme is designed for highly qualified female scientists who strive for an university...

5th Summer School on Social Innovation Ecosystems
From 24th to 27th of September in Budapest

The Social Innovation Community project is excited to announce the programme of the 5th Summer School on Social Innovation Ecosystems in collaboration with ESSI (the European School of Social Innovation...

Discussing science diplomacy in Prague
Last month, S4D4C organised a panel discussion in Prague

In cooperation with the Czech Centres, S4D4C project members at Charles University organised a panel discussion in the Prague Old Town. The focus of the discussion was on the topic of ‘Scientists and...

PSF Report: Towards Open Science – mutual learning for systemic change
A new report on Open Science explores how to improve access to – and use of – research across Europe and beyond

Open Science strives to improve accessibility to and reusability of research practices and outcomes, but currently, there is no common baseline for how to implement Open Science nationally. To address...

Societal impact of the Vienna University of Economics and Businness
The first meeting of the Expert Board to assess the societal impact of research conducted at the WU Wien took place

The members of the Expert Group to assess and document the impact of research at the Vienna University of Economics and Business are: Stefan Pichler (WU Wien) Stephanie Rammel (FFG) Thomas Dyllick...

INCOBRA: Horizon 2020 related events held in Belém and São Luis, Brazil
ZSI actively participated in two H2020 Infodays, also held RRI workshop for Brazilian stakeholders

In the framework of the INCOBRA project, which aims to enhance Research & Innovation (R&I) Cooperation Activities between Brazil (BR) and European Union (EU), ZSI has been actively involved in...

PSF Recommendations for overhaul of Georgia's innovation system
A new Policy Support Facility report was published on Georgia with active contribution of ZSI

The European Commission's Policy Support Facility (PSF) has published a summary article (attached) with recommendations for an overhaul of Georgia's innovation system. The article is published on the ...

30 semi-finalists selected for European Social Innovation Competition 2018
Klaus Schuch (ZSI) and his fellow jury colleagues had a tough job!

Competition was rather stiff with only 30 projects selected to enter the next phase of the competition out of 731 eligible entries from 39 countries.Next stop for the semi-finalists is the intensive three...

Careables - sharing open healthcare
Enabling citizens to co-design and deliver people-centered health products through means of digital fabrication

We recently launched the Careables platform to enable citizens to co-design and deliver people-centered health products through means of digital fabrication. Digital fabrication labs and ...

Talks with Dr. Manavi from the Iranian Embassy
Visit of the Technology Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran at ZSI

On 29 May Mr. Manavi, Technology Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran visited the Centre for Social Innovation to learn about our projects and activities. Mr. Manavi had an exchange...

EULAC Focus panel discussion on SDGs

On June 6th the EULAC Focus project (H2020) invited to a panel discussion in Vienna on the SDGs and their relevance for the future of the relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean...

Final version of ResInfra@DR training materials available for download
Resinfra@DR's mission is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructure & innovation in the Danube region

Between February and May 2018, the ResInfra@DR project organised three training events to build capacity for evaluation, planning, monitoring and management of research infrastructures (RIs). The trainings...

MEDIA RESPONSE 11. Jun. 2018
Es geht nicht mehr nur um Abschlüsse
Klaus Schuch (ZSI) im Gespräch mit Marion Rauner (Uni Wien) und Gertraud Leimüller (Winnovation)

Im Rahmen der UNI:SUCCESS 2018 fand eine Podiumsdiskussion, moderiert von Karin Bauer (der Standard), über die Zukunft der Arbeit und über die zukünftigen Herausforderungen, die sich für junge Uni-AbsolventInnen...

Excellence-in-ReSTI: Pilot Training zu Projektmanagement für die Donauregion
Bewerbungen sind bis einschließlich 10. Juni 2018 möglich!

Das Pilot Training des Projekts "Excellence-in-ReSTI" (Excellence in Research, Social and Technological Innovation Project Management, kurz: ReSTI) startet im Oktober 2018 und wird als Blended Learning...

Newsletter focused on Western Balkan countries' smart specialisation processes

The BMBWF-funded project focused on the current process of designing smart specialisation strategies in Western Balkan countries.   Smart specialisation strategies (RIS 3 or S3...

SEA-EU Joint Funding Scheme announces 2nd Call
The thematic areas will be Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases

The launch of the 2nd Call of the SEA-EU Joint Funding scheme has been scheduled for 18 June 2018. This call will focus on the thematic areas of Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases. This follows on the...

Innovation - Wie entsteht Neues im Arbeitskontext
Klaus Schuch im Gespräch mit Karin Bauer (der Standard) bei uni:success

uni:success, die interdisziplinäre Messe für Berufsinformation und Berufseinstieg bietet zum 12. Mal zahlreiche Vernetzungsangebote von Universität und Arbeitsmark. Am 5 . Juni diskutieren Gertraud...

Das ZSI sucht ausgewiesene ExpertInnen als TrainerInnen für die lokalen Workshops der Social Innovation Academy

Projekttitel Growing a Transnational Smart Community of Social Innovators for the Inclusive Development of Central Europe Projekt Akronym ...

Spannendes Rollenspiel zur öffentlichen Beschaffung beim Social(i)Makers-Treffen
Wie die Social(i)Makers das Thema „Öffentliche Ausschreibung“ spielerisch bearbeiten, schildert Experte Peter Jakubitz.

Jedes Jahr vergeben öffentliche Auftraggeber*innen in Europa Aufträge in Milliardenhöhe. Die EU-Vergaberichtlinie hat den Spielraum geschaffen, neben den Preis (Billigstbieter-System) auch gesellschaftspolitische...

K. Schuch member of the Jury of the 2018 European Social Innovation Competition
The European Social Innovation Competition is run by the European Commission across all European countries

The 2018 European Social Innovation Competition is titled RE:THINK LOCAL and seeks to find the most innovative projects, products, services, business models and collaborations that empower young people...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2199

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