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Der Endbericht wurde am 26. Jänner 2017 den Auftraggebern vorgestellt.

Im Juni 2016 veröffentlichten vier österreichische Ministerien (BMWFW, BMVIT, BMASK, BMLFUW) in Zusammenarbeit mit externen ExpertInnen das Grünbuch für eine integrierte Energie- und Klimastrategie. Dieses...

A chance for those projects funded under the first DTP call to create networks&synergies beyond existing partnerships

This event is organised by Danube-INCO.NET in Vienna, on 30th March 2017. Beside fostering new network and synergies creation between organisations participating in projects funded under the 1st Call ...

Germany, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania are participating in this Call

The call concerns joint R&D projects, focusing on developing innovative products and applications in all technological and application areas of civilian nature; applicants are expected to develop ...

Maker movements and open innovation for students allowing to creatively design, create and programme from scratch.

On 16th of February 2017, the new project eCraft2Learn was officially launched in Luxembourg.  The eCraft2Learn project will research, design, pilot and validate an ecosystem based on digitalfabrication...

A growing knowledge base representing manifold approaches and issues in the field of social innovation

In Discussion Papers members of ZSI, invited presenters or colleagues from collaborating partner organisations report procedures and document intermediary or final results of their work. However, these...

Five year contracts provided for 15 young post doc researchers

Ikerbasque would like to inform you that we have launched a new international call to reinforce research and scientific career in the Basque Country. We offer: 15 positions for Promising Researchers...

Support in EU Projects Implementation and Project Dissemination and Communication Management (Internship)

The department „Research Policy & Development“ at the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) is currently seeking an intern as an EU Project Management Assistant. We are a team of 25 experts active in...

Networking national NCP systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

To increase the collaboration between researchers from Caribbean and Latin American Countries (CELAC) and the EU, the ALCUE NET project sets a variety of measures to support the development of skills ...

RaiSE project started with event in Barcelona
For the kick-off event of RaiSE, five European regions and ZSI came together in Barcelona at the end of January

The kick-off event of RaiSE took place in Barcelona from January 30-31. The event was hosted by the Catalan Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ) as the lead partner in the project. The goal of...

Excellence-in-ReSTI funded under “Interreg- Danube Transnational Pogramme” coordinated by ZSI

The management of research and innovation projects, in particular social innovation, needs specific skills that are not fully developed yet in the Danube region. That is what project Excellence-in-ReSTI...

Katja Mayer ist neue Mitarbeiterin am ZSI
Die "open science" Expertin ergänzt die thematische Expertise am ZSI

In ihrem ersten Projekt am ZSI übernimmt Dr. Katja Mayer die Rolle der Rapporteurin in der Horizon2020 Policy Support Facility für die Mutual Learning Exercise über 'Open Science, Altmetrics and Rewards...

ZSI leads European consortium on Migration and Entrepreneurship

Under the framework of the AMIF - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, ZSI coordinates a project titled “Migrant entrepreneurs supported by mentors”, together with five European partners. The project...

Save the date: Black Sea Horizon international conference, May 8, 2017
“EU- Black Sea Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation – towards a jointly agreed STI Programme”

The Black Sea Horizon Project announces the organization of the high-level Black Sea Horizon International Conference, organised by the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS), on 8 May 2017...

Upcoming Black Sea Horizon Webinars
Widening Participation & Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions & Euraxess

In order to promote and enhance the participation of researchers from academia and industry from the Black Sea countries in HORIZON 2020, BSH organises a series of webinars, now upcoming: [9th BSH Webinar...

ZSI Kompetenzzentrum für
Erfolgreiche Projektbeteiligungen auf europäischer Ebene!

Die Dezemberausgabe von "" widmete sich unter dem Titel: Plattformen für kollektives Bewusstsein - Digitale soziale Innovationen für nachhaltige Gesellschaften, den durch das Europäische Forschungsprogramm...

Core topic 2017: Inequality

"Join us on 28 February in Athens for the launch of the 2017 European Social Innovation Competition! We will reveal our brand new theme with a focus on inequality, and will open applications for ideas...

Join our MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the Changing World of Work!

Join the EmployID MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the Changing World of Work. In this course we want to give learners the opportunity to make sense of how the world of work is changing, recognise...

MEDIA RESPONSE 19. Jan. 2017
"Wettbewerb statt Gießkannenprinzip"
Interview der Presse mit Klaus Schuch über die Situation von Wissenschaft, Forschung und Innovation in der Ukraine

  In den Nanowissenschaften und der Chemie ist die ukrainische Forschung stark. Auf diesen Gebieten arbeiten österreichische Forscher mit ukrainischen zusammen. Daneben fördert das Wissenschaftsministerium...

Apply until Febuary 28th for this year's scholarship

The application deadline for this year’s Josef Hochgerner fellowship has been extended until February 28th. The aim of the fellowship is to facilitate the discourse on social innovation. Please refer...

The project KNOWMAK - Knowledge in the making - has started. ZSI's role is in user interaction and visualisation.

The KNOWMAK project aims at developing a web-based tool, which provides interactive visualisations and state-of-the-art indicators on knowledge co-creation in the European Research Area (ERA). It is structured...

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