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13 recommendations for R&I internationalisation
Infographic / all you need to know about improving R&I internationalisation policy-making in a nutshell

The PSF (H2020 Policy Support Facility) published an infographic with the recommendations proposed in the final report of the 'Mutual Learning Exercise on National Strategies and Roadmaps for International...

Mission Covid-19: Global problems need a research portfolio approach
Recommencations by the European Alliance for the Social Sciences and the Humanities

EASSH calls for European policymakers and funding agencies to ensure that all domains of research are mobilised to address the challenges of Covid-19, using a mission-type “portfolio approach” of projects...

Webinar: Österreichs Wald auf dem Holzweg?
Klimawandel, Schadholz, Preissturz: mit Bioökonomie aus der Krise 3. September 2020, 10:00 – 11:30 Uhr

Im Jahr 2019 allein, sind in Österreich bis zu 10 Millionen Festmeter an Schadholz angefallen. Das entspricht knapp der Hälfte des Gesamteinschlages und bringt einen hohen Aufwand und Preissturz mit sich...

An interactive virtual experience
ZSI hosted the virtual project consortium meeting of the CERUSI project

The Interreg Central Europe project CERUSI aims at helping local actors in 7 EU countries to establish and develop social innovations and social enterprises by improving skills and building capacities...

Klimawandelanpassung in österreichischen Gemeinden
Wie gelangt das Handlungsfeld Klimawandelanpassung auf die kommunalpolitische Agenda?

Wie kann die langfristige institutionelle Verankerung der Umsetzung von Anpassung in den vielen kleinen österreichischen Gemeinden gelingen? Das Projekt GOAL (gefördert durch den Klima- und Energiefonds...

Virtuelles Abschlussevent des Interreg Central Europe-Projekts Social(i)Makers

Mit einem Online-Event unter dem Motto "Boosting change through social innovation" feierte das Interreg Central Europe-Projekt Social(i)Makers am 9.7.2020 seinen Projektabschluss. Nach den Begrüßungsworten...

21. Jul. 2020
How insane is this?
How insane is this?
Absurd sacrifice of the EU's research budget

“In a time when politicians and citizens look to science to find the miraculous solution to the COVID-19 crisis, the top leaders decide to cut the research budget – how insane is this?” says Marta Agostinho...

Policy brief by ZSI experts P. Brugner and K. Schuch landed!
Policy brief became included in the official Think Tank Review of the Council of the European Union

"More farsighted approaches, that forward the long-term goals for social, ecological and economic recovery after the crisis, and an improved information policy with stronger public relations will be necessary...

PRO-Ethics launches its project website
The PRO-Ethics team is proud to announce the launch of our project website. We are also preparing our first newsletter.

On our new PRO-Ethics website you can  get an overview of the PRO-Ethics project get to know our pilot cases download PRO-Ethics' core outputs find news ...

A European strategy for socio-economic recovery after COVID-19
Final version of the policy roadmap developed by now available, a social network for strategic analysis, invited ZSI to join for its latest strategy project aiming to develop a "European Strategy for Socio-Economic Recovery of Southeastern Europe after...

Beteiligungsworkshop zur gestaltung einer altersfreundlichen Stadt Feldbach
Am 7. Juli 2020 fan der erste von drei Beteiligungsworkshops der lokalen Aktionsgruppe des Projekts TAAFE statt

Eine seniorenfreundliche Stadt bedeutet eine lebenswerte Stadt für alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger.  Das gemeinsame Schaffen einer alters- und menschenfreundlichen Umwelt ist dabei zentral und bezieht...

Wissenschaftskommunikation: Wie beteiligen sich ForscherInnen und warum nicht?
Invitation to an online survey: TRESCA examines (dis)incentives for science communication

The European project TRESCA develops innovative quality concepts and communication strategies in order to (1) counter strategically spread misinformation, as well as inaccurate or unscientific information...

TRESCA: Coronavirus Response - Fighting Disinformation
Project contributed to #EUvsDisInfo initiative and #Factsmatter campaign!

The European Commission has been at the forefront of supporting research and innovation and coordinating European and global research efforts, including preparedness for pandemics. In addition to a number...

Präsentation des Forschungsprojektes beim IHS Symposium "Leben mit Corona"

Wie gestaltet sich das Leben mit Corona in Österreich? Das Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) hat die Ergebnisse zahlreicher Projekte zur Beforschung der Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf die...

Revisiting EU-Latin American and Caribbean relations
The EULAC Focus project hast produced a collective volume on EU-LAC relations.

As part of the EULAC-Focus project, ZSI coordinated and conducted research on EU-LAC relations with a specific focus on their social dimension, their historic genesis, current state and future perspectives...

6. Jul. 2020
We want you!
We want you!
(Online) Mentoren und Mentorinnen für junge migrantische UnternehmerInnen gesucht!

YMCB - Young migrants' capacity building, gefördert von DG Grow, zielt darauf ab, einen innovativen Ansatz zur Schaffung eines Ökosystems zu entwicklen, um junge Menschen zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren mit...

How to integrate RRI into large research organisations?
ETHNA Newsletter VOL. 1 OUT NOW!

Ethics is an indispensable part of research and innovation. But the greatest challenge is to embed the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) into large research organisations...

Austrian Report on Research and Technology discussed in Parliament
Brigitte Ecker (WPZ-Research) and Klaus Schuch (ZSI) were invited as experts to discuss the report with MPs

The  Research Committee of the Austrian Parliament held an intensive debate yesterday about the research and innovation system in Austria and what needs to be done to further strengthen it. The research...

Zukunftsstrategie Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsinfrastrukturen Österreich
ZSI untertützt das Vorhaben!

Diese Zukunftsstrategie stellt den erhobenen Bedarf an sozialwissenschaftlichen Infrastrukturen in Österreich über die einzelnen Standorte und die verschiedenen Disziplinen hinweg dar – wobei der Bedarf...

CHERRIES project launches its brand-new website & prepares its first Newsletter!
The CHERRIES team is pleased to welcome you on our brand-new project website!

The CHERRIES team is pleased to welcome you on our brand-new project website, a virtual window into CHERRIES activities, learnings, and opportunities. News and updates are posted regularly and you can...

29.6.-1.7.2020, IHS (Wien)

Wie gestaltet sich das Leben mit Corona in Österreich? Zahlreiche Forschungsprojekte in Österreich haben seit März begonnen, die Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie sowie der zu ihrer Eindämmung getroffenen...

PRO-Ethics Online Cross-Learning Workshop
The PRO-Ethics team successfully held its first virtual cross-learning workshop, moved online due to COVID-19.

On 8th and 9th June 2020, PRO-Ethics held the first of three cross-pilot learning workshops, with 25 participants joining in from 12 partner organisations. The workshop was successfully moved...

Club Research mit K. Schuch (ZSI) am 18. Juni um 17:00
In und nach der Covid-Krise: Eine "neue Normalität" für Wissenschaft und Forschung?

Der Auftritt des SARS-COV-2-Virus ändert den Gang der Welt und unterwirft alle Bereiche unserer Gesellschaft Transformationen, deren Dimension wir noch nicht abschätzen können. So auch in Wissenschaft...

Weise den Weg weisen - das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politik
APA Science Dossier mit einem Interview mit Klaus Schuch (ZSI)

"Zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik herrscht seit jeher nicht die große Liebe, dafür sind die Philosophien und Methoden der beiden Sphären zu konträr. Während der Coronakrise kam neues Leben in diese Beziehung...

Aus Krisen lernen - Mentoringangebot für Unternehmer_innen
DanubeChance2.0 unterstützt Unternehmer_innen nach Covid-19

Die Covid-19-Pandemie und die damit verbundenen Einschränkungen stellen eine Herausforderung für Unternehmer_innen und Selbstständige dar und werfen strategische, wirtschaftliche und persönliche ...

Wie die Corona-Pandemie die Wissenschaften unter Druck setzt
Eine STANDARD-Reportage mit Beiträgen von H. Nowotny, S. Hornbostel, A. Loprieno und K. Schuch

Die Forschung steht angesichts der Corona-Krise unter Zugzwang. Die Erwartungen, eine schnelle Lösung des gesundheitlichen Problems zu finden, sind hoch Peter Illetschko 8. Juni 2020, 09:00 Wissenschafter...

 The EU’s global response to the COVID-19 crisis with a focus on Africa and ENP
Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#11)

With the worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing intense competition between global players as to who can best contain the crisis and who is a reliable international partner in...

Unique online training opportunity in science diplomacy now ready
A milestone for the S4D4C project, a milestone for training current and future science diplomats

Yesterday was a special day for the European science diplomacy community. After months (actually more than a year) of intensive preparations, conceptual discussions and a careful collection of...

Lernen im Ausnahmezustand - Erste Ergebnisse
Die Schule ist ein sozialer Lernraum - digitale Ressourcen allein überwinden soziale Unterschiede nicht!

Das vom WWTF geförderte Projekt „Lernen im Ausnahmezustand“ untersucht zum einen die Frage sozial ungleicher Lernerfolge und -erfahrungen beim Home Learning, zum anderen gehen wir der Frage nach neuen...

A roadmap for socio-economic recovery in Southeastern Europe after Corona
ZSI contributes to a collaborative strategy between European research institutions and think tanks is a social network for strategic analysis. It is organised as a think tank with one main novelty that distinguishes it from others: Typically, the policy analyis carried out is not done with...

TAAFE-TRIO: Gemeinsame Reflexionen über den Weg zur altersfreundlichen Stadt
Wie erleben ältere Menschen die CORONA-Krise Feldbach?

Im Rahmen des Interreg Alpine Space Projekts TAAFE wurde in Feldbach ein Koordinationskomitee (TRIO) gebildet, in dem Vertreter_innen älterer Bürger_innen und der Gemeinde, unter wissenschaftlicher Begleitung...

How strong is the Austria-China research cooperation in terms of jointly co-authored publications? Find out more!

Commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the ZSI has recently finalised a study that aimed at analysing scientific works jointly co-authored by Austrian...

The ENTRANCES partners joined for a three-day online kick-off meeting and discussed the project implementation.

On the 5th, 6th and 7th of January 2020, the ENTRANCES project (ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies), funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme, held a virtual Kick-off meeting...

S4D4C asks for feedback to newly published policy report
Calling for a systemic change: Towards a EU science diplomacy for addressing global challenges

On the occasion of Europe Day, 9 May, the S4D4C project (coordinated by ZSI) reached another milestone and published a policy report. The responsible authors from the partner the Spanish Foundation for...

What is it, that is called "Citizen Science"?

Recently an international working group, established by the European Citizen Science Association - ECSA and the H2020 funded project EU-Citizen Science, set out to address the question: what...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#11)

by Dorothea Sturn We have seldom been able to listen to as many scientists – of whom few are women - in the media than we currently do. Anthony Fauci in the USA, Jérôme Salomon in France, Fernando ...

The final report is ready.

After an open consultation phase in March-April 2020 and the integration of comments and feedback, the final report has now been completed. The objective of the report is to support the development...

SozialMarie is the very first pioneering international prize for social innovation, awarded since 2005

    May 1, 2020. 15 projects from Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Croatia werre awarded with the SozialMarie – Prize for Social Innovation in an exceptional online...

1. May. 2020
The next civil war?
Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#10)

by Klaus Schuch Thinking about the future (futures thinking / foresight) is important because it opens up perspectives, even if they never actually materialize as expected. In science, we deal relatively...

Registrieren Sie sich schnell zum kostenlosen Online Kurs!

In diesem Online-Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie junge Lernende darin unterstützen können, eine kreative und innovative Denkweise zu entwickeln, um soziale Probleme zu lösen. Sie werden von praktischen und effektiven...

MOOC-based Learning Campaign and International Competition with prize money is about to start

With the release of new tools, the EU-funded Interreg project “Finance for Social Change” (F4SC) will soon enter a new and crucial phase: The #AirMOOC & #AirCompetition (AIR: Accelerating Investment...

DanubeChance2.0 created tools for policy makers, entrepreneurs and business support organisations

To support second-chance entrepreneurs and prevent business failure DanubeChance2.0 created three different tools for different target groups.  The Transnational Policy Learning Instrument ...

PLOTINA Final Conference

PLOTINA Final Conference Book of Abstracts e-book This E-book is a result of the H2020 PLOTINA project Final Conference, ReGendering Science. For an inclusive research environment, held in the ...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#9)

by Klaus Schuch It is true: the virus can just hit us all - the youth in the Moria refugee camp as well as the Prime Minister on Downing Street, but the crisis triggered by the virus is by no means...

New publication of the H2020 Policy Support Facility with ZSI expert Bruno Lindorfer

The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) is an instrument aimed at supporting Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020 to improve the design, implementation and evaluation of their...

Towards improving the social impact investment market in the Danube region
The Interreg-project Finance4SocialChange is co-financed by European funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).

Vienna  – The ongoing EU-funded Interreg project “Finance for Social Change” (F4SC) reveals new insights into the social impact investment market of the Danube region. Project member Helmut Gassler...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#8)

by Christian Voigt  These days, the old saying ‘Cobbler, stick to your last!’, applies less and less.  Many people are forced to abandon their usual ‘models of work’ and try out new ways ...

International R&I cooperation policies revisited: sustained challenges and new developments

The Final Report of the Mutual Learning Exercise on ‘National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I’ summarises findings from the workshops, discussions and thematic input papers...

Das DOIT Projekt ruft zu einer Online-Petition zur Förderung einer sozialen und unternehmerischen Jugend auf

Ein engagierterer und praxisorientierterer Ansatz ist erforderlich, um junge Lernende mit der Denkweise und den Fähigkeiten auszustatten, die innovative Bürger benötigen. Wir empfehlen: die Förderung ...

ZSI becomes member of the European Creative Business Network (ECBN)
Social innovation for cultural and creative industries

The European Creative Business Network (ECBN) works – on purposes indirectly and decentralized – by supporting leading agencies, funders and intermediaries on local, regional and/or national level...

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 2179

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