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...Living Labs in Austria empower children and young adults for a sustainable future

General concept of the Living Lab The GenB Living Labs took place in Austria from April to June 2023, engaging different age groups across two schools. The high school "AHS am Augarten" in Vienna's...

POLICY ANSWERS event series in Sarajevo
The conference "Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans" will be accompanied by two workshops

As announced before, POLICY ANSWERS is organising a major conference in Sarajevo in September 2023 under the umbrella of a whole series of events: the conference "Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities...

ZSI-Kurzfilme beim Sommerkino am Zukunftshof
Gemeinsam für urbane Landwirtschaft und Klimabewußtsein

Am 16.08.2023 war das ZSI beim Open-Air Kino am Zukunftshof in Rothneusiedl mit zwei Kurzfilmen aus dem Projekt Climatubers vertreten. Der Bezirksvorsteher Marcus Franz hat den Kinoabend eröffnet. Die...

First ReConnect China podcast online
"Remonstrating", or the Art of Forging Relations between Europe and China.

The first podcast produced by the Horizon Europe-funded ReConnect China project deals with "Remonstrating", or the Art of Forging Relations between the Europe and China. Based on the project's policy ...

Call for Contributions: Connect. Collaborate. Create. Conference in Paris
The final conference of the ZSI coordinated PRO-Ethics project is taking place in Paris 19-21 October 2023.

The organising team invites all community stakeholders to become part of the Connect. Collaborate. Create. conference on October 19-21, 2023 in Paris, at Aubervilliers, Campus Condorcet. Registration...

Call for Associated Regions: Restoring Freshwater ecosystems
Deadline is end of August 2023! - Invitation for Proposals

We are excited to announce the commencement of a call inviting Associated Regions to participate in the DANUBE4all project. We are seeking 5 Associated Regions to collaborate with, offering them...

 Education, Research, and Innovation in Ukraine in Time of Martial Law
networking seminar organised by ETAG and HARNO on July 11 in Brussels

The Estonian Research Council (ETAG) and the Education and Youth Board of the Republic of Estonia (HARNO) organised a networking seminar titled "Education, Research, and Innovation in Ukraine in Time ...

Institute of Economic Sciences from Belgrade at ZSI
Fostering mutual strengths through cooperation

Yesterday, a delegation of the Institute of Economic Sciences from Belgrade visited ZSI. Both institutes are engaged in the COST Action PROfeedback (CA 20112). We were exchaning views on several topics...

Science Diplomacy Collaboration with China – ReConnectChina represented at COST Workshop

In the framework of a science diplomacy workshop organised by the COST Association for new COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Actions on 28 June 2023, ZSI researcher Gábor Szüdi...

ACCTING: Our call for pilot actions is open now!
Apply to implement pilot actions, closing date is 8 Sept 2023

  As announced earlier, ACCTING has allocated funds for the support of 10 pilot projects, they aim to address topics of the Green Deal that leaves no one behind. ACCTING is providing ...

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