News Filter
EU Brokerage Event in Brussels and Country Reports on the Energy Sectors of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova

On 2 December 2014 the second ener2i EU brokerage event to foster networking and knowledge exchange between transnational and local stakeholders and to support the development of joint projects and co...

Successful Thematic Workshop on Climate Change to Identify Research Priorities for the EU-Eastern Partnership STI Co-operation

The workshop, which was held on 6-7 November 2014 in Athens, was organised by IncoNet EaP specifically to identify relevant topics and sub-topics for the EU-EaP STI co-operation. The current meeting focused...

(Basis) Bildung als antidiskriminatorische Praxis der Selbstermächtigung – Endbericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung

Sie können jetzt den Endbericht der wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Projekts Fordergrund hier herunterladen!  Kernstück des Projekts Fordergrund war ein Basisbildungsangebot, das sich speziell...

Policy Level Co-operation and New ERA-Can+ Webinars

Last week a series of high-level policy dialogue meetings took place under the support of ERA-Can+ in Ottawa, Canada. The Joint Science and Technology Coordination Committee (JSTCC) decided over the focus...

WU-Wien-Projekt mit fast 1 Million Euro gefördert

Der im Rahmen des postgradualen Lehrgangs "Sozialwissenschaftliche Berufsqualifizierung" (SOQUA) betreute ERASMUS+ Antrag (SOQUA-Abschlussarbeit von Petra Biberhofer von der WU-Wien) gehört zu den lediglich...

IncoNet EaP and IncoNet CA Team up for a Back-to-Back Workshop at the ASEAN-EU STI Days 2015

The IncoNet EaP and IncoNet CA projects focus on the societal challenges climate change, environment, energy, and health; just like SEA-EU-NET 2, the project organising the ASEAN-EU STI Days 2015. Inviting...

ALCUE-NET Organises a Workshop on Geothermal Energy in Argentina

In the framework of the ALCUE NET and ABEST III projects and the close collaboration of the Research Institute for Non-Conventional Energy (INENCO) a workshop on geothermal energy will take...

SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN Organising a Workshop on Gaps in Sustainability Research at the ASEAN-EU STI Days 2015

Based around SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN’s thematic clusters (cities and natural resources), the workshop will focus on identifying and discussing gaps in research activities, particularly gaps in EU...

Project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the fourth edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. One...

COST Action BESTPRAC offers grants

BESTPRAC is a network for the administrative, finance and legal services in universities, research organizations and related entities supporting researchers involved in the lifecycle of transnational ...

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