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Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2009VENUE: Terchova, SlovakiaDATE: May 30 - June 6, 2009DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: March 16th, 2009 More details see enclosure or atsummer-school-2009 ZSI as member of (STELLAR), the Network of Excellence in Technology Enhanced Learning (building on the achievements of the previous PROLEARN and KALEIDOSCOPE NoE) and (ROLE), the EU ICT TEL...
Am 19. und 20. Jänner 2009 markierte eine Eröffnungstagung in Paris den offiziellen Start des European Research Area Net (ERA-NET) mit Indien, New INDIGO. Das Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, den indischen und europäischen Forschungsraum zu vernetzen und die Basis für die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit im Forschungsbereich zu legen. Indien ist in den letzten Jahren nicht nur politisch und wirtschaftlich, sondern...
the iCamp handbook “How to use Social Software in Higher Education” has been released recently. It can be downloaded from the attachment here and from the following link: It is a very practical guide for how to use social software in educational settings. The examples are derived from the iCamp trials, which took place in different...
WINS-ICT aims to strengthen S&T cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkan countries by deepening the bi-regional strategic relations in the field of ICT and promoting the participation of WBICT research actors in FP 7. The main output of the project will be an improved policy dialogue in the field of ICT, reflecting the WBCs needs and priorities in future ICT Work Programmes and thus providing...
2nd Call for proposals of the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices Ljubljana and Sofia for projects in Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria, the public higher education institutions in Kosovo and South Eastern Europe (In the framework of the "Multidimensional Project for the Implementation of an Institutionalised Partnership between Austria and Kosovo in the Field of Higher...
"In Washington President Obama has announced that he will have an Office of Social Innovation in the White House. In Europe President Barroso and several of his commissioners are taking part in a two-day event to rethink how Europe supports and accelerates social innovation." source: According...
Partnerships are recognised as valuable and essential policy instrument and practice with which policy outcomes of Operational Programmes, policies and actions can be enhanced. Thus, eight EU Member States joined forces and established the learning network "Community of Practice on Partnership in the ESF" (in short COP). The COP is lead by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour with...
A ZSI-Lecture, held by Bernhard Elias, is now available in the form of a "ZSI Discussion Paper" (44 p.) - however, in German only. A short glimpse of the content in English (abstract): Increasing pressures to utilise scientific knowledge and research economicly pertain to all domains of science, particularly including social sciences aiming at efficacy and impact in society. In fact, this is not new...
Studie zu Strategien der Internationalisierung von S&T in Südostasien veröffentlicht. Am 19. und 20. November trafen mehr als 130 politische Entscheidungsträger und Wissenschafter aus Südostasien und der EU in Paris zusammen, um sich über bestehende und zukünftige bi-regionale Kooperationen im Wissenschafts- und Technologiebereich (S&T) auszutauschen. Bei dieser Konferenz wurde ein Consultation Paper...
Das vom ZSI koordinierte Forschungsprojekt iCamp, das sich mit dem Einsatz innovativer Lernszenarien in Kombination mit Social Software beschäftigt, wurde jetzt von ICT Results mit einem großen Artikel gewürdigt. ICT Results ist das IKT Portal der Europäischen Kommission, auf dem über neueste Entwicklungen aus dem IKT Programm berichtet wird. Der vollständige Artikel kann unter folgendem link aufgerufen...
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