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ComeIn, a FP7 CP project, started on 1st of September. The main objective of ComeIn is to study and utilise mobile networks and telephones that are most commonly used by marginalised youth, as the ...

ZSI promotes an initiative that has been launched together with SORA, abif, and FORBA to increase performance and create better working conditions in applied social research organisations in Austria. In particular six measures are proposed to become included in research policy objectives of the forthcoming government programme after general elections of Sept. 28th, 2008.Supporters may find the relevant...
ZSI runs (together with SORA and FORBA) a 1 1/2 yr. training program to enhance competencies of young social scientists concerning particular requirements of international research (21 ECTS). The first 25 graduates have been honored by certificates handed over by Cabinet Minister for Science and Rresearch, Dr. Hahn. The new course program with 36 selected participants starts on Nov. 3rd, 2008, in ...
GEMMA is an European project that aims to bring together different actors, such as policy makers, researchers, civil society organisations, and the media, active in the fields of Gender and Migration. A newsletter will be published every four months. Have a look on the first edition.
Presseinformation des Verbands Österreichischer Software Industrie / VÖSI. Es diskutierten am 11.09. mit den JournalistInnen: Frau Mag.a Schwarz-Wölzl, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Dr. Gleitsmann, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Prof. Kotauczek, BEKO Holding und Präsident des VÖSI, Mag. Prinz, CSC und Vizepräsident des VÖSI. Weiterführende Information:
Die ÖFSE (Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung) in Kooperation mit dem ZSI und dem vidc laden herzlich zu folgender Veranstaltung ein: Vom braindrain zum braingain Migration, Braindrain und die Auswirkungen auf Entwicklung Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008, 09.00 - 17.30 Uhr Albert Schweitzer Haus, 1090 Wien, Schwarzspanierstraße 13 Hintergrundinfo: Nigeria leidet unter akutem...
Wege aus der Prekarisierung der SozialwissenschaftRahmenbedingungen und verborgene Potentiale AbsolventInnen der Sozialwissenschaften sind oft mit großen Schwierigkeiten beim Berufseinstieg konfrontiert, oder mit Arbeitsbedingungen die eine Lebensplanung schwer machen. Einer relativ geringen Anzahl an gut dotierten Stellen steht eine Vielzahl von schlecht gesicherten Arbeitsverhältnissen gegenüber...
26. Aug. 2008
The public discourse in Austria about Europe is determined by an EU-adverse, often populist diction which suggests that the Austrian majority is against Europe respectively the EU. This cannot be confirmed by most recent surveys. To raise a civilian voice against this negative attitude, ZSI actively supports the pro-Europe initiative launched during the Forum Alpbach.On the pro-Europe-homepage supporters...
What we offer:* Very good working atmosphere in a project team.* Collaboration in two interesting, future-orientated EU projects on bi-regional S&T cooperation EU – South and Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam (see for more details).* Project visits to the region* Employment of 30-40 h/week, starting November 1, 2008 What we expect: Experience...
ZSI joined the MetropolisNet, the European network of local development partnerships in metropolitan areas. The EEIG (European Economic Interest Group) was established in 2007 comprising 11 partners from all across Europe (Berlin, Budapest, Dublin, Hamburg, London, Madrid, Rome, Santander, Seine-Saint-Denis-Tampere and Vienna). MetropolisNet is a vehicle for inter-city and interorganisational collaboration...
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